Absstracr-We give a minimal set consisting of 14 permutations to decode the (24,12,8) Golay code using a permutation decoding method. I. INTROIHXTI~N. One of ...
Abstract: We give a minimal set consisting of 14 permutations to decode the (24,12,8) Golay code using a permutation decoding method.
This chapter presents two new decoding methods of the Golay code (24,12,8). A new construction of this code is used as binary image, of a principal ideal in ...
We give a minimal set consisting of 14 permutations to decode the (24,12,8) Golay code using a permutation decoding method.
A simplified procedure, called the shift-search method, is developed to decode the three possible errors in a (23,12,7) Golay codeword.
We demonstrate a method for encoding and decoding the [24,12,8] extended binary Golay code using a simple apparatus.
A full simulation shows that this novel decoding method is superior to the algebraic decoding algorithm given by Reed et al, and the computational ...
These algebraic decoding algorithms definitely required a large number of additions and multiplications over a finite field. It causes a time delay in decoding ...
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Abstract—Two product array codes are used to construct the. (24, 12, 8) binary Golay code through the direct sum operation.
Introduction. A procedure is described for correcting all patterns of three or fewer errors with the (23, 12) or (24, 12) Golay code. The procedure decodes any ...