We present here algorithms to solve two such problems. In the first we minimize a parametric bottleneck restriction, that is we minimize the maximum (worst) ...
IMCS/Publications/CSJM/Issues/CSJM v.1, n.3 (3), 1993/. A note on two constrained parametric problems on networks. Authors: M. Iacob. Maria Eugenia Iacob Babes ...
Oct 22, 2024 · Two examples of parametric cost programming problems—one in network programming and one in NP-hard 0-1 programming—are given; in each case ...
The first problem that they solve is the construction of a flow that maximizes the value of t, where the demand at each sink is a nondecreasing, linear function ...
Missing: constrained | Show results with:constrained
Jan 1, 1973 · The first problem that they solve is the construction of a flow that maximizes the value of t, where the demand at each sink is a nondecreasing, ...
A unary constraint is defined on a single variable, a binary constraint- on two variables. A binary constraint network has only unary and binary constraints.
Missing: parametric | Show results with:parametric
This paper treates network-flow problems in which the supplies and de.- mands are known linear functions of time. Let N = (X, A) be a finite, directed network ...
Jun 27, 2011 · A note on the parametric maximum flow problem and some related reoptimization issues. Ann. Oper. Res., 150, 231–244. Generalizes [3]. [28] ...
The present report aims to provide an overview of results from parametric opti- mization which could be called classical results on the subject. These are ...