Jun 28, 2018 · This paper studies the load balancing optimization problem in network-coding-based multicast and proposes a modified artificial bee colony ...
This paper studies the load balancing optimization problem in network-coding-based multicast and proposes a modified artificial bee colony algorithm (MABC) ...
Oct 22, 2024 · This paper studies the load balancing optimization problem in network-coding-based multicast and proposes a modified artificial bee colony ...
A modified population based incremental learning (PBIL) algorithm is proposed for tackling a load balancing optimization problem in the context of multicast ...
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This paper studies the load balancing optimization problem in network-coding-based multicast and proposes a modified artificial bee colony algorithm (MABC) ...
A modified artificial bee colony algorithm for load balancing in network-coding-based multicast. H Xing, F Song, L Yan, W Pan. Soft Computing 23 (15), 6287-6305 ...
A modified artificial bee colony algorithm for load balancing in network-coding-based multicast, Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and ...
A modified artificial bee colony algorithm for load balancing in network-coding-based multicast. Huanlai Xing; Fuhong Song; Wei Pan. Methodologies and ...
A micro artificial bee colony (MABC) algorithm is proposed to deal with the problem. The QoS constraints include maximize network lifetime and minimizing delay ...
Missing: coding- | Show results with:coding-
... modified artificial Bee Colony (MABC) algorithm to tackle the load balancing optimization problem in network-coding-based multicast [32]. Show abstract. The ...