Showing results for A method for dynamically creating data cube structures.
When you generate a dynamic cube, IBM® Cognos® Cube Designer creates a basic cube structure. The structure includes a measure dimension with measures, ...
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Apr 25, 2024 · Cube now supports the use of Python and Jinja for defining dynamic data models, a feature introduced as part of Cube's improved integration with dbt Core.
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In IBM® Cognos® Cube Designer, you can define a dynamic cube manually or generate a dynamic cube based on a table in your relational database.
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In this section, we describe the Basic Dynamic Data. Cube as a foundation for later sections. The method utilizes a tree structure which recursively partitions ...
Two techniques for maintaining data cubes in dynamic environments are described here. The first, Relative Prefix Sums (RPS), supports a constant response time ...
Feb 15, 2019 · Context: I am connecting to hive, via the official ODBC driver of HDP. This driver tries to be smart, and fails quite miserably.
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-Hierarchies are used to pre aggregate detailed data along typical dimension creating mesmerized cubes: years, quarters months, weeks. -Query engine is ...
Cube supports two ways to define data model files: with YAML (opens in a new tab) or JavaScript syntax.
Jul 4, 2022 · A multidimensional model is composed of cubes and dimensions that can be annotated and extended to support complex query constructions.
Missing: dynamically structures.