Unsupervised clustering is important in gesture recognition as it imposes no a priori bound on the set of gestures. Results are compared using v-measure, a ...
Mar 9, 2011 · Unsupervised cluster- ing is important in gesture recognition as it imposes no a priori bound on the set of gestures. Results are compared using ...
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Dec 10, 2024 · The purpose of this study is to review prospective technologies, methods, and research outcomes, as well as to analyze the benefits and ...
Missing: unsupervised | Show results with:unsupervised
Sep 1, 2024 · Experimental results have shown that the supervised learning algorithms out-perform the unsupervised learning algorithms in terms of the number ...
Aim: The goal of the proposed study is to compare the overall performance of chosen classifiers and use two distinct machine learning (ML) algorithms to conduct ...
Clustering technique in data mining is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that finds the groups of object such that objects in one group will be similar ...
The performance of different algorithms are not easily com- pared, but in terms of learning words, an offline algorithm is better than an online algorithm.
A comparison of unsupervised learning algorithms for gesture clustering. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction - HRI.
This study allowed the implementation of some algorithms and the application to one simple classification problem: static hand gesture recognition. The tool ...
Three unsupervised machine learning clustering techniques were used to group the performed gestures into clusters. ... algorithm to corroborate the comparison ...