This methodology consists of 4 steps: selection and pre- investigation of the target system, tracing of the recent computer usage, analysis of computer usage ...
In this paper, we propose methods for selective acquisition offile system metadata, registry and prefetch files, web browserfiles, specific document files ...
This paper proposes methods for selective acquisition offile system metadata, registry and prefetch files, web browserfiles, specific document files without ...
Furthermore, we suggest a method to analyze the acquired data stepwise and quickly and effectively trace the use of computer in the crime scene.
A Stepwise Forensic Approach to Incident Response and Computer Usage was proposed with the integration of two prior models; the Cyber Forensic Field Triage ...
Furthermore, we suggest a method to analyze the acquired data stepwise and quickly and effectively trace the use of computer in the crime scene. Original ...
The Stepwise Forensic Process Model (SFPM) provides stepwise and in-situ approach for providing incident identification, acquisition, analysis. The SFPM suggest ...
Nov 28, 2014 · Methods for identifying DES have been proposed, firstly in the computer science community as techniques for representing languages, and later in ...
This paper proposes a generic stepwise methodology by integrating unsupervised learning algorithms, GIS multi-criteria process, and supervised learning ...
Missing: Tracing | Show results with:Tracing
This paper implements stepwise satisfiability checking procedure with tableau method and proof system. Stepwise satisfiability is one of the necessary ...