Sep 21, 2020 · The series incremental inductance is estimated in a chopping period and is compared with a preset threshold to obtain the commutation signal.
Based on the characteristic of doubly salient electromagnetic machines (DSEMs) that the incremental inductance varies with the rotor position, a sensorless ...
Second, the startup method with no test pulse is introduced to start DSEM. Two key strategies are proposed: the commutation strategy based on the series ...
With knowing the initial rotor position by the conventional method, this paper proposes a novel sensorless startup method, which is based on the feature that ...
The proposed method starts with injecting a test voltage pulse in all three-phase windings by turning on three proper transistors a certain time synchronously.
A Series Incremental Inductance Detection Based Sensorless Startup Method for DSEM ... Parameter identification based on linear model for buck converters.
Ren, "A Series Incremental. Inductance Detection Based Sensorless Startup Method for DSEM," IEEE. Trans Ind. Electron., vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 9297-9308, Oct ...
The invention provides an initial pole position adjusting device which can detect and correct the phase difference of an induction voltage and a pole ...
The proposed sensorless start-up strategy can realize a low-current start- up and a hysteresis control strategy is proposed against the load disturbance in the ...
2021: A Series Incremental Inductance Detection Based Sensorless Startup Method for DSEM IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68(10): 9297-9308 ...