We present a retargetable compilation methodology that enables high-quality code to be generated for a wide range of DSPs. Previous work in retargetable DSP ...
This work presents a retargetable compilation methodology that enables high-quality code to be generated for a wide range of DSPs, and demonstrates how by ...
In addition to several machine-dependent optimizations, a retargetable compilation methodology is presented that enables high-quality code to be generated for a ...
Abstract. We address the problem of code generation for embedded DSP systems. Such systems devote a limited quantity of silicon to program memory, ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Retargetable compilation methodology for embedded digital signal processors using a machine-dependent code optimization ...
"A Retargetable Compilation Methodology for Embedded Digital Signal Processors Using a Machine-Dependent Code Optimization Library", (with A. Sudarsanam and ...
The key approach to achieve this goal is the development of novel code optimization techniques, while treating compilation speed with lower priority than in ...
Liao: Code Generation and Optimization for Embedded Digital Signal Pro- cessors, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,.
A Retargetable Compilation Methodology for Embedded Digital Signal Processors Using a Machine-Dependent Code Optimization Library. 187-206. Volume 4, Number ...
This chapter introduces Chess, a retargetable code generation environment for xed-point DSP processors, based on a mixed be-havioural/structural processor ...