It uses the direct depth information from Tango sensor to determine the real scale of indoor space, and combines the direct method in regions with little ...
This paper proposed a realYtime indoor visual localization and navigation method based on Tango smartphone, it is a fusion method of featureYbased method ...
A Real-time Indoor Visual Localization and Navigation Method Based on Tango Smartphone. UPINLBS 2018: 1-6; 2014. [j1]. view. electronic edition via DOI (open ...
A real-time indoor visual localization and navigation method based on tango smartphone ... 2021. An Image-based Visual Localization Approach to Urban Space.
Image-based indoor localization provides fundamental support for applications such as indoor navigation, virtual reality, and location-based services.
A Real-time Indoor Visual Localization and Navigation Method Based on Tango Smartphone. Date: 2019-08-23; Hits: 250. Journal: 2018 Ubiquitous Positioning ...
This paper offers an overview of the computer vision based indoor localization domain, presenting application areas, commercial tools, existing benchmarks, and ...
We propose a hybrid positioning and navigation system that combines both BLE beacons and Google Tango in order to tap into their strengths while minimizing ...
It is a new technology able to perform localization within an environment granting spacial awareness of your vicin- ity through mainly computer vision methods, ...
41.A Real-time Indoor Visual Localization and Navigation Method Based on Tango. Smartphone. Ming Li, Ruizhi Chen, Liang Chen, Bingxuan Guo, Xuan Liao, Teng Wu ...