Abstract: Probabilistic routing protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) make use of the mobility history in its prediction when making a forwarding ...
In this paper, we examine the routing protocol, Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity (PRoPHET) [2], of DTN and derive a ...
This work formulated a solution for Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity (PRoPHET), which is a routing protocol in ...
Probabilistic routing protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) make use of the mobility history in its prediction when making a forwarding decision.
Bibliographic details on A Queuing Mechanism to Alleviate Flooding Attacks in Probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks.
Lee, F., Goh, W., and Yeo, C., “A Queuing Mechanism to Alleviate Flooding Attacks in Probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks,” in Proc. AICT, 2010. has been ...
A queuing mechanism to alleviate flooding Attacks in probabilistic delay tolerant networks. In. Telecommunications (AICT), 2010 Sixth Advanced International.
Goh, and C. K. Yeo, “A queuing mechanism to alleviate flooding attacks in probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks,” The 6 th. Advanced. International Conference ...
A Queuing Mechanism to Alleviate Flooding Attacks in Probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks ... Flooding Attacks in Probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks.
Apr 25, 2024 · A Queuing Mechanism to Alleviate Flooding Attacks in Probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks. AICT 2010: 329-334. [c1]. view. electronic edition ...