This paper presents a model based on pomsets (partially ordered multisets) for estimating the minimum number of setups in the workcells in Assembly Sequence ...
Abstract. This paper presents a model based on pomsets (partially ordered mul- tisets) for estimating the minimum number of setups in the workcells in Assem ...
Nov 12, 2002 · This paper presents a model based on pomsets (partially ordered multisets) for estimating the minimum number of setups in the workcells in ...
This paper presents a model based on pomsets (partially ordered multisets) for estimating the minimum number of setups in the workcells in Assembly Sequence ...
This article considers the computational complexity of automat ically determining assembly sequences for mechanical products. Specifically, we address the ...
A genetic algorithm for assembly sequence planning. 2003 | Book. EID ... A pomset-based model for estimating workcells' setups in assembly sequence planning.
This paper presents a model based on pomsets (partially ordered multisets) for estimating the minimum number of setups in the workcells in Assembly Sequence ...
In this paper, we present ASAP, a physics-based planning approach for automatically generating such a sequence for general-shaped assemblies.
Missing: Pomset- Workcells'
A Pomset-Based Model for Estimating Workcells' Setups in Assembly Sequence Planning. Carmelo Del Valle, Miguel Toro, Rafael Ceballos and Jesús S. Aguilar ...
Sep 11, 2016 · This paper develops a planner to find an optimal assembly sequence to assemble several objects. The input to the planner is the mesh models of the objects.
Missing: Pomset- Based Workcells'