Facial motion retargeting is the process of transferring a source motion to a target face mesh. The source motions can be acquired from an already animated 3D face or an actor's motion capture data using a marker-based (e.g., Vicon Cara [6]) or marker-less (e.g., FaceWare [7]) system.
Aug 8, 2024
Aug 4, 2015 · By using facial motion data from passive optical motion capture system, this paper proposed an animation reconstruction approach, ...
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By using facial motion data from passive optical motion capture system, this paper proposed an animation reconstruction approach, which is aimed to solve ...
Alexanderson, S., Beskow, J.: Animated Lombard speech: motion capture, facial animation and visual intelligibility of speech produced in adverse conditions. · Yu ...
Sep 19, 2016 · Motion capture data is usually points moving in space. You usually target these to facial "bones" which represent the facial muscles. Joints = bones.
By using facial motion data from passive optical motion capture system, this paper proposed an animation reconstruction approach, which is aimed to solve ...
We present a system for realistic facial animation that decomposes facial motion capture data into semantically meaningful motion channels based on the ...
A captured performance is retargeted onto a morphable 3D face model based on a semantic correspondence between motion capture and 3D scan data. The resulting ...
We present a system for realistic facial animation that decomposes facial motion capture data into semantically meaningful motion channels.
Abstract: While facial capturing focuses on accurate reconstruction of an actor's performance, facial animation retargeting has the goal to transfer the ...