To calibrate the motorized object rig, we first develop a method to estimate the three axes of it. We then provide a visual tool for users to adjust the ...
In this paper, we present a method for calibrating a motorized object rig to facilitate the acquisition of OMs. We first apply the CPC kinematic model to ...
In this paper, we present a method for calibrating a motorized object rig to facilitate the acquisition of OMs. We first apply the CPC kinematic model to ...
In this paper, we present a method for calibrating a motorized object rig to facilitate the acquisition of OMs. We first apply the CPC kinematic model to ...
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... a method for calibrating a motorized object rig to facilitate the acquisition of OMs. We first apply the CPC kinematic model to formulate the 3D ...
In this paper, we present a method for calibrating a motorized object rig to facilitate the acquisition of OMs. We first apply the CPC kinematic model to ...
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In this paper, we present a method for calibrating a motorized object rig to facilitate the acquisition of OMs. We first apply the CPC kinematic model to ...