In our method, the feature database is created based on the analysis of known malware programs, and functions in unknown programs are compared to the content of ...
In our method, the feature database is created based on the analysis of known malware programs, and functions in unknown programs are compared to the content of ...
In our method, the feature database is created based on the analysis of known malware programs, and functions in unknown programs are compared to the content of ...
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Oct 26, 2022 · In this work, graph neural networks (GNN) with function embedding techniques are used to classify malware into families. Similarity analyses ...
Jun 27, 2024 · The attribution classification method of APT malware based on static structural characteristics mainly relies on homology analysis and ...
This paper proposes a byte-level malware classification method based on markov images and deep learning referred to as MDMC.
A malware classification method for finding new types from large scale malwares using generic malware information is proposed and it is proved a ...
Aug 24, 2024 · In this paper, we propose a fast, high-accuracy, and robust FCG-based PE malware classification method. We first extract precise function call ...
Mar 21, 2020 · This novel behavioral representation and improved extraction method can accurately represent crucial behaviors of malware. Experiments on 4,400 ...
FCG based features preserve the structural information in malware code in the form of functions and the caller-callee relation between them. Past research ...