In this paper, we propose a low power branch predictor, which is based on the gshare predictor, by accessing the BTB (Branch Target Buffer) only when the ...
The simulation results show that the proposed predictor reduces the power consumption by 43-52%. 1 Introduction. As the pipeline length of today's embedded ...
A low power branch predictor is proposed, which is based on the gshare predictor, by accessing the BTB only when the prediction from the PHT (Prediction ...
The proposed branch predictor reduces the power consumption, not requiring any additional storage arrays, not incurring additional delay (except just one MUX ...
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To enable the selective access to the BTB, the PHT(Pattern History Table) in the proposed branch predictor is accessed onecycle earlier than the traditional PHT ...
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PDF | Powerful branch predictors along with a large branch target buffer (BTB) are employed in superscalar processors for instruction-level parallelism.
Aug 18, 2010 · Branch predictors, and especially the BTB, are among the largest on-chip SRAM structures (after caches), and therefore are primary contributors ...
Mar 14, 2024 · The authors propose here a filtering scheme to dramatically reduce the accesses to the BTB to achieve significantly reduced energy consumption ...
In this paper, we propose a method that reduces the number of BTB accesses and abolishes the BTB tag by associating the instruction cache line and BTB entry.