Specifically, in our scheme, two smart home devices generate the highly correlated blocks using the mismatched bit streams. Then, the blocks are used to mask the messages transmitted between these two smart home devices in order to ensure they can securely establish the communication key.
Dec 11, 2019
Aug 22, 2019 · In this article, we improve these schemes and design a key agreement scheme for smart homes such that the devices can automatically and securely establish the ...
In this paper, we improve these schemes and design a key agreement scheme for smart homes such that, the devices can automatically and securely establish the ...
A key agreement scheme for smart homes such that the devices can automatically and securely establish the communication key by making use of the secret ...
In this article, we improve these schemes and design a key agreement scheme for smart homes such that the devices can automatically and securely establish the ...
Jun 13, 2024 · A Key Agreement Scheme for Smart Homes Using the Secret Mismatch Problem. Article. Aug 2019. Yuexin Zhang · Hong Zhao · Yang Xiang ...
A Key Agreement Scheme for Smart Homes Using the Secret Mismatch Problem ... A hybrid key agreement scheme for smart homes where smart home devices first ...
A key agreement scheme for smart homes using the secret mismatch problem. IEEE. Internet Things J. 2019, 6, 10251–10260. [2]. Rashid, B.; Rehmani, M.H. ...
A lightweight authentication and key agreement protocol for heterogeneous IoT with special attention to sensing devices and gateway.
Xiang, X. Huang, X Chen. A key agreement scheme for smart homes using the secret mismatch problem. IEEE Internet Things J, 6 (2019), pp. 10251-10260. Google ...