Jan 20, 2023 · This submission contains: a formalisation of a small While language with support for output;; a standard total-correctness Hoare logic that ...
May 26, 2024 · The theories in this submission are a port of a similar formalisation in HOL4, which, in turn, is a simplified version of a program logic ...
Mar 31, 2018 · I start with a quick presentation of classical Hoare Logic (HL) in Section 1, the study of which has extended over nearly five decades – and ...
and not with whether the program diverges. However, in many contexts where we care about correctness enough to use Hoare logic for verification, we also ...
AMiner aims to provide comprehensive search and mining services for researcher social networks. We focus on: Semantic-based profile for researchers; ...
Hoare logic provides a proof system which can systematically deduce the correctness of a program represented by such a triple. After decades of development, ...
Abstract. We present a Hoare logic for a call-by-value programming language equipped with recursive, higher-order functions, algebraic data.
ABSTRACT. Starting with Hoare Logic over 50 years ago, numerous sound and relatively complete program logics have been devised to reason.
Auxiliary variables are essential for specifying programs in Hoare Logic. ... always diverging program. Definition 2.9. (Adaptation Completeness). Given ...
of view of Hoare's logic fo:- program correctness. Because program ... diverge when y is nonstandard. So X* if S, = Sz, hence Alg(& E) F'S, = Szs.