Contents. COLT '91: Proceedings of the fourth annual workshop on Computational learning theory. A geometric approach to threshold circuit complexity. Pages 97 - ...
A geometric approach for investigating the power of threshold circuits. Viewing n-variable boolean functions as vectors in 'R'2", we invoke tools from linear ...
Title: A Geometric Approach to Threshold Circuit Complexity ; Author(s):, Roychowdhury, Vwani and Siu, Kai--Yeung and Orlitsky and Kailath, Thomas ; Year: 1991.
Geometric approaches have proven useful for analyzing threshold gates. An S-input threshold gate corresponds to a hyperpla.ne in n.s. This has been used for ...
We develop a geometric approach to complexity based on the principle that complexity requires interactions at different scales of description.
Missing: Threshold Circuit
Instead of invoking unitary designs19 or Nielsen's geometric approach9–12, we employ elementary aspects of differential topology and algebraic geometry,.
Regular paper. Geometric arguments yield better bounds for threshold circuits and distributed computing.
Missing: Approach | Show results with:Approach
Technique dates from Cantor's diagonalization method of proving the real numbers are uncountable. Also employed to show the Halting problem is undecideable.
We investigate the computational power of depth-2 circuits consisting of MOD r gates at the bottom and a threshold gate with arbitrary weights at the top.
While our results fall short of this goal, our techniques involve an interesting application of rational approximation theory to complexity theory. While the ...