Jun 2, 2018 · This paper proposes a scheme for letting a human interact with a generic robot in a natural manner. Based on the concept of natural user ...
Nov 21, 2024 · For natural human-robot interaction, we need to know location and shape of facial feature in real environment. In order to track facial feature ...
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What is the concept of human-robot interaction?
How can robots interact with humans?
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The proposed methods exploit recognition of the users' forearm motion to produce commands for the robotic system based on gesture recognition, and velocity ...
Oct 1, 2024 · Our main contribution is an approach to generate and validate understandable expressions for robots, enabling more natural human-robot interaction.
In this paper we will examine how and to which extent a dialog system in HRI can be enhanced by applying a multimodal system, providing additional information ...
In this talk, I will review some of the background, motivations, and state of the art in the field of robot learning from demonstrations.
In this paper we present a general framework for affective human-robot interaction that allows users to intuitively interact with a robot and takes into ...
In this paper we introduce a novel affective robotics approach that consists in adapting the behavior of the robot based on the cognitive workload of the user.
We present a design process that provides step-by-step guidance and methods for HRI designers to generate high quality behavioral patterns for social robots.
[PDF] Natural human-robot interaction through spatial language
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In this work, we investigate human spatial language as the communicative channel between the robot and the human, facilitating their joint work on a tabletop.