In this paper, we advocate that binary selection can at times be restrictive due to very nature of XML, and to the uses that are made of it. We therefore ...
A Fuzzy Extension for the XPath Query Language. Alessandro Campi1, Ernesto ... The XML Path Language (XPath) is an expression language for extracting portions.
Abstract XML has become a widespread format for data exchange over the In- ternet. The current state of the art in querying XML data is represented by XPath.
A XML querying framework, called FuzzyXPath, based onFuzzy Set Theory, which relies on fuzzy conditions for the definition of flexible constraints on stored ...
The proposed fuzzy XQuery processing techniques allow the users to use linguistic terms based user-defined functions in the XQueries. This paper demonstrates ...
We therefore suggest a querying framework, called FXPath, based on fuzzy logics. In particular, we propose the use of fuzzy predicates for the definition of ...
This paper advocates that binary selection can at times be restrictive due to very nature of XML, and to the uses that are made of it, and proposes a ...
Abstract. XML has become a widespread format for data exchange over the In- ternet. The current state of the art in querying XML data is represented by ...
In this paper we describe a XML querying framework, called FuzzyXPath, based on Fuzzy Set Theory, which relies on fuzzy conditions for the definition of ...
In this paper we describe a XML querying framework, called FuzzyXPath, based on Fuzzy Set Theory, which relies on fuzzy conditions for the definition of ...