In this paper we Suggest and evaluate flexible shallow methods for report generation applica- tions requiring limited linguistic resources that are adaptable ...
Sep 18, 2024 · In order to improve this situation, we suggest and evaluate shallow generation methods associated with increased flexibility. We advise a close ...
Dec 16, 1998 · We suggest and evaluate shallow generation methods associated with increased flexibility. We advise a close connection between domain-motivated and linguistic ...
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A close connection between domain-motivated and linguistic ontologies that supports the quick adaptation to new tasks and domains, rather than the reuse of ...
View recent discussion. Abstract: In order to support the efficient development of NL generation systems, two orthogonal methods are currently pursued with ...
A flexible shallow approach to text generation. S Busemann, H Horacek. arXiv preprint cs/9812018, 1998. 132, 1998. Over-answering yes-no questions: Extended ...
In compiler theory, the technique used to discover data dependencies among statements (or instructions) is called dependence analysis. There are three types of.
[report generation] A report generator is a computer program whose purpose is to take data from a source such as a database, XML stream or a spreadsheet, and ...
1998. A flexible shallow approach to text generation. In Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Workshop. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada.
A flexible shallow approach to text generation. In E. Hovy, editor,. Proceedings of the Ninth International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLGV98), 1998 ...