We propose a novel distributed algorithm to achieve a weighted max-min sharing of the network capacity. We present the Weight Proportional Max-Min policy ...
The objective of the algorithm is to compute the fair rate of each LSP to obtain a network in which only the red packets are discarded and all the green and ...
Oct 22, 2024 · We propose a novel distributed algorithm to achieve a weighted max-min sharing of the network capacity. We present the Weight Proportional ...
The objective of the algorithm is to compute the fair rate of each LSP to obtain a network in which only the red packets are discarded and all the green and ...
The Weight Proportional Max-Min policy (WPMM) is presented that supports a minimal rate requirement and an optional maximal rate constraint and allocates ...
We prove that s-PERC converges to max-min fair in. 6N rounds, where N is the number of iterations 2-Waterfilling takes for the same routing matrix. We describe ...
Jun 19, 2019 · This paper is about an alternative class of congestion control algorithms based on proactive-scheduling: switches and NICs "pro-actively" exchange control ...
A Distributed Algorithm for Weighted Max-Min Fairness in MPLS Networks. F. Skivée1 and G. Leduc1. 1 Research unit in Networking, EECS department, University of ...
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Bibliographic details on A Distributed Algorithm for Weighted Max-Min Fairness in MPLS Networks.
Oct 31, 2008 · The distributed algorithm is a fully polynomial epsilon-approximation (FPTAS) algorithm and is based on a primal-dual alternation technique. We ...