We extend the role-based access control (RBAC) model to specify and enforce spatio-temporal constraints. This coordinated access control model has been ...
Mobile execution allows mobile users or tasks to relocate across different nodes in the grid. This poses new challenges to resource access control. Resource ...
We extend the role-based access control (RBAC) model to specify and enforce spatio-temporal constraints. This coordinated access control model has been ...
We prove that SRAL is expressive enough for most resource access patterns. In particular, it is complete in the sense that it can specify any program of regular ...
Song Fu , Cheng-Zhong Xu : A Coordinated Spatio-Temporal Access Control Model for Mobile Computing in Coalition Environments. IPDPS 2005.
A primary concern in mobile computing is security. Mobile clients often relocate between different networks and connect to.
In a coalition environment, the computation of a mobile entity may be spread across several hosting nodes and each access to the resources of a host lasts for a ...
Fu S. and Xu C.-Z. 2005, A coordinated spatio-temporal access control model for mobile computing in coalition environments. In Proc. 19th IEEE Int ...
A coordinated spatio-temporal access control model for mobile computing in coalition environments. In: Proceeding of 19th IEEE International Parallel and ...
In this paper, we formalize the mobile execution of grid entities by using the mobile code model. We introduce a shared resource access language, SRAL, to model ...