This credits the perspectives of articulating and extending cognitive ergonomics/engineering issues to contextual approach of household activities. References.
This short paper considers how classical concepts and approaches of cognitive ergonomics/engineering (e.g., automation, trust or control levels) could both ...
This short paper considers how classical concepts and approaches of cognitive ergonomics/engineering (e.g., automation, trust or control levels) could both ...
This short paper considers how classical concepts and approaches of cognitive ergonomics/engineering (e.g., automation, trust or control levels) could both ...
Sep 22, 2015 · This short paper considers how classical concepts and approaches of cognitive ergonomics/engineering (e.g., automation, trust or control ...
Bibliographic details on A Contextual Approach to Home Energy Management Systems Automation in Daily Practices.
This short paper considers how classical concepts and approaches of cognitive ergonomics/engineering (e.g., automation, trust or control levels) could both ...
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This study monitored an Australian home that consisted of renewable energy systems, smart technology and automated systems designed to reduce the use of grid ...
As indicated, a user-centric approach was followed, meaning that the development process incorporated needs and wants of the (potential) user of home energy.
Missing: Practices. | Show results with:Practices.
Nov 15, 2022 · In this paper, an advanced HEMS is proposed incorporating uncertainty-aware user preference. The energy consumption user behavior, including temporal and ...
Missing: Practices. | Show results with:Practices.