In the Research community OWL-S, a ontology for web services, has been submitted for standardisation alongside OWL, the Web Ontology Language in which it is ...
This paper proposes requirement meta modelling frame, named O-RGPS, which is the methodology combining ontology techniques, domain modelling, ...
Our intention in establishing compositional operational semantics for. OWL-S is twofold. First we should like to implement the semantics to provide an ...
The OWL-S Process Model is based on an abstraction of the common features of industrial workflow lan- guages. On the one hand, WS-BPEL has only informal ...
A Compositional Operational Semantics for OWL-S. 305. 2 CASheW-S Syntax. As shown in Table 1, processes in CASheW-S are either atomic or composite. Both are ...
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The OWL-S Process Model is based on an abstraction of the common features of industrial workflow languages. On the one hand, WS-BPEL has only informal semantics ...
Software composition via workflow specifications has received a great deal of attention recently. One reason is the high degree of fit with the ...
Furthermore, the composition can be represented semantically as OWL-S documents. Our contributions are applied for automatic workflow generation in context ...
OWL-S is an ontology, within the OWL-based framework of the Semantic Web, for describing Web services.
OWL-S, which (in retrospect) defined a workflow-oriented orchestration language, in ontology form, for the composition of semantic web services;; WSMO, which ...