This paper gives a simple, accurate first order asymptotic analysis of the transient and steady state behavior of a network which is closed, ...
Asymptotic analysis of a large closed queueing network with discriminatory processor sharing · Fluid approximation of closed queueing networks with ...
This paper gives a simple, accurate first order asymptotic analysis of the transient and steady state behavior of a network which is closed, not product-form ...
A Closed Network with a. Discriminatory Processor-Sharing Server, 1989 ACM Sig- metrics and Performance '89. Performance Evaluation Re- view 17, 200-208 ...
Mitra and A. Weiss. A closed network with a discriminatory processor sharing server. Performance Evaluation Review, 17(1):200–208, 1989.
Under the processor-sharing service discipline, all or some of the jobs in the system are served simultaneously by a single processor (server) with a variable ...
A closed network with a discriminatory processor-sharing server. Article. Full-text available. Apr 1989; Perform Eval Rev. Debasis Mitra ...
In this paper, we study a multiple class discriminatory processor-sharing queue. The queue is assumed to have Poisson input and exponentially distributed ...
Apr 12, 1991 · In this paper the steady-state behavior of a closed queueing network with multiple classes and large populations is investigated.
Dec 4, 2018 · • Asymptotic analysis of a large closed queueing network with discriminatory processor sharing [Morrison, 1991]. ∑l=1. K. bk. gk. = 1 ...