Abstract: This paper proposes a hardware accelerator of Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) algorithm with its full implementation.
Abstract—This paper proposes a hardware accelerator of. Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) algorithm with its full implementation.
A hardware accelerator of Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF algorithm with its full implementation, which consists of a loose-coupled pipeline, in which ...
In this article, we present a real-time ORB feature extraction accelerator for visual SLAM applications. This article was initially introduced in [14] and ...
A 42fps full-HD ORB feature extraction accelerator with reduced memory overhead. ... Note that this feature is a work in progress and that it is still far from ...
This article proposes a hardware accelerator for image feature extraction based on the oriented features from accelerated segment test (FAST) and rotated ...
Apr 25, 2024 · A 42fps full-HD ORB feature extraction accelerator with reduced memory overhead. FPT 2017: 183-190; 2016. [c2]. view. electronic edition via DOI ...
Accetti, and A. A. Naqvi, “A 42fps full- hd orb feature extraction accelerator with reduced memory overhead,” in 2017 International Conference on Field ...
Readers: Everyone. A 42fps full-HD ORB feature extraction accelerator with reduced memory overhead ... Split Table Extension: A Low Complexity LVQ Extension ...
In this paper, we introduce an FPGA architecture capable of extracting ORB descriptors at high throughput with minimal impact to their invariance.