This research article aims to elaborate on the technological options and enablers, concerns, and challenges for the succesful deployment of 5G slice(s) for ...
In this article, we present our vision on the design of 5G network slice(s) customized for vehicle-to-everything services, which involve vehicles exchanging ...
In this article, we present our vision on the design of 5G network slice(s) customized for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services, which involve vehicles.
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The multitude of key vertical markets targeted by 5G networks calls for the support of multiple network slices on a common and programma-.
The proposed slicing solutions involve the partition(s) of the core network and the radio access network resources, as well as configuration of the ...
In this paper, we propose a network resource allocation framework which deals with slice allocation considering the coexistence of V2X communications with ...
Feb 3, 2023 · 5G network slicing is a configuration allowing multiple networks to be created on top of common physical infrastructures.
Specifically, multiple network slices can be deployed to deliver the same features for different UEs or different V2X services for the same set of UEs, with ...
Dec 9, 2021 · In this paper, we propose a Radio Access Network (RAN) slicing mechanism for mission-critical services in the context of location-aware Vehicle to ...
This paper describes a network slicing scheme for 5G-VCC systems that aims to improve the performance of modern vehicular services. The QoS that each user ...