We define a 0, 1 matrix M to be ideal if all vertices of the polyhedron { x: Mx ≥ 1, x ≥ 0 } have only 0, 1 components. We expand the list of known minor ...
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A (0,1) matrix A is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytope Q(A)=x∶Ax ≥ 1,0 ≤x ≤1 are integral. In this paper we consider the extension of the ...
A (0, 1) matrixA is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytopeQ(A) = {x ź Ax ź 1, 0 źx ź 1} are integral. The issue of finding a satisfactory ...
Nov 2, 2024 · A (0,1) matrix A is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytope Q(A)=x∶Ax ≥ 1,0 ≤x ≤1 are integral. In this paper we consider the ...
Conforti a. Comuejols (1995) showed that balanced 0, ? 1 matrices are perfect and ideal. A polytope P contained in the unit cube is said to be irreducible if P ...
Feb 12, 1996 · A (0, 1) matrixA is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytopeQ(A) = {x ∣ Ax ⩾ 1, 0 ⩽x ⩽ 1} are integral.
A (0; 1) matrix A is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytope Q(A) = fx : Ax 1; 0 x 1g are integral. The issue of finding a satisfactory ...
In this paper we provide a characterization of perfect 0,±1 matrices in terms of an associated perfect graph which one can build in O(n2m) time, where m × n is ...
A (0,1) matrix A is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytope Q(A)=x∶Ax ≥ 1,0 ≤x ≤1 are integral. In this paper we consider the extension of the ...
A 0, ±1 matrix A is said to be perfect (resp. ideal) if the corresponding generalized packing (resp. covering) polytope is integral. Given a 0, ±1 matrix A, ...