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Zelda: Breath of the Wild dev blog - Cut-scene designer talks freedom, memories and more

by rawmeatcowboy
16 June 2017
GN Version 5.0

This week's blog post comes from Naoki Mori, who was in charge of Cinematic Design (screenplay, cutscenes)...

- the developers had to find way to convey the story in a way that didn’t restrict players’ freedom
- they came up with this system of “watching a cutscene = Link regains a lost memory”
- when you’re gathering those “Memories”, the cutscenes are shown without any context
- this makes you wonder what happened (especially if you haven’t seen them all)
- a great advantage of that Memories system is that you can rewatch the cutscenes at any time, as many times as you want
- the Sheikah Slate conveniently lists them in chronological order
- Princess Zelda has two main roles in the game
- The Princess who Seals (Zelda’s traditional role, as seen in previous Zelda games)
- The Princess who Researches (ways to stop Calamity Ganon, Zelda’s new role)
- taking those two roles into consideration, the image of “The Princess that cannot use her sealing powers” was born.
- Mori would be pleased if this made players think “I want to help Zelda”, like in previous The Legend of Zelda titles
- you can find a diary with the thoughts of Zelda and the King of Hyrule inside
- those contents go in hand with Link’s Memories, so players are highly encouraged to find them all
