Prairie Disposal boosts safety and efficiency by 63% with Motive.

Prairie Disposal's journey with Motive reduces accident response time and maintenance costs.


Prairie Disposal, a leading waste management service in Alberta, Canada, caters to a diverse clientele across commercial, residential, and industrial sectors. For years, the company has prioritized enhancing compliance, safety, and operational efficiency. However, their previous approach lacked integration, making it challenging to oversee fleet operations comprehensively. They sought a solution that could consolidate all aspects of their operations into a unified platform, providing complete visibility into fleet performance. Motive emerged as the answer, offering Prairie Disposal the tools needed to ensure driver safety, streamline operations, and enhance overall business efficiency.


More efficient with Motive


Instances avoided legal action in the past year


Hours saved per incident


Ensuring driver compliance and road safety across a sprawling, remote service area was Prairie Disposal’s top priority, but the company’s previous safety technologies were fragmented, making it difficult to manage compliance and fleet operations in one place. Their old cameras had inadequate, blurry footage and failed to detect alerts. 

Tim Summach had to manage every aspect of his operations individually, including maintenance, compliance, and safety. Checking each aspect of operations separately ate into Summach’s time and made it hard for him to gauge fleet performance overall. Prairie Disposal needed a way to assess fleet performance holistically in a unified view with reliable footage, so they switched to Motive.


“Unlike other fleet management technology providers, Motive enables us to manage our whole fleet on a single platform,” Summach says. “Now we can see all our operations in one place, whether it’s compliance or safety, maintenance or asset tracking. Having 360-degree visibility into our operations saves us time and improves productivity.”

With the help of Motive AI Dashcams, Prairie Disposal has improved safety performance, reduced accidents, and perhaps most crucially, increased access to their drivers in the field. “It’s a tell-tale system. There are really no errors that can happen with it,” Summach says. 

Now, Summach knows where his drivers are and what challenges they’re encountering as they navigate one of the most dangerous areas in Alberta, Canada, a province known for its remote wilderness. “It’s a comforting feeling for the drivers and for management, that if something happens, we will get alerted and know about it and help can be on the way before something bad occurs,” Summach says. Waste and recycling work exposes Prairie Disposal drivers to an incredible amount of risk and isolation, making safety technology and real-time communication critical.

Now that we have full visibility into each driver’s performance, the number of unsafe incidents we’ve had on the road has sharply declined.

Tim Summach, Prairie Disposal

“We had a truck traveling on a remote forestry road that rolled down an embankment,” Summach recalls. “As soon as the truck went off the road, we got an alert and an email saying there was a collision. Because of Motive, we were able to check on our driver right away and make sure he was OK. The response time was so fast. Without Motive’s real-time alerts, who knows how long our driver could have been waiting for help, or when we could have reached him?”

Motive Safety Score makes Prairie’s driving performance easy to track, and they use every incident as a coaching opportunity. “Each driver’s performance is reflected in their Motive Safety Score, showing us exactly what drivers need to work on and what we need to mentor them on,” Summach says.


Ultimately, Prairie Disposal uses Motive AI Dashcams to strengthen their safety culture and keep safety top of mind for drivers. “AI Dashcams, together with driver coaching, have greatly improved our safety performance,” Summach says. “Now that we have full visibility into each driver’s performance, the number of unsafe incidents we’ve had on the road has sharply declined.”

Motive’s AI Dashcams have reduced the time spent on insurance claims for Prairie Disposal by 10-20 hours per incident compared to the period before adopting Motive. 

Motive’s AI Dashcams and AI Omnicams not only protect Prairie Disposal from wrongful claims involving their own vehicles but also help document erratic or impaired driving by others on the road.

Summach highlights that by promptly sending footage to local dispatch, law enforcement can swiftly act on accurate evidence, which they highly appreciate. This not only aids in improving road safety overall within Alberta, but also saves drivers valuable time. The dashcams provide irrefutable video proof, eliminating the need for drivers to appear in court as witnesses. In Summach’s case, the dash cams have saved him from making court appearances on at least six occasions, showcasing the practical benefits and time-saving capabilities of Motive technology.

Prairie is also reaping the benefits of the Motive AI Omnicam, which empowers Prairie to quickly address and resolve customer complaints regarding service deliveries. Having AI Omnicam cameras on the side of their vehicle, along with the road-facing AI Dashcam, gives Prairie nearly a 360-degree view of everything that happens around their vehicles, any time of day. 

Motive’s AI Omnicam’s multiple camera angles help Prairie answer important questions like whether a bin was available for pickup or had been emptied. “What’s so nice about the AI Omnicam, especially on the residential side, is if somebody says, ‘You didn’t pick up my bin,’ we can say, ‘Well, it wasn’t out there and we have video proof that it wasn’t there.’

Prairie Disposal can then inform the customer that an additional fee will be applied for returning to collect their waste. In the past, Prairie had to absorb these costs due to the lack of concrete evidence.

Summach also highlighted the efficiency aspect, especially pertaining to preventive maintenance. “We’re able to get the notification if an engine light comes on. We can see the code, and understand what’s wrong with the vehicle right away. From the engine fault code, we proactively know how to respond. We know right away if we need to send a tow truck or if the truck is drivable to get it back to the shop.”

Motive’s AI Dashcams and AI Omnicams have effectively become the eyes on the road for Prairie Disposal, saving the waste management company time, money, and a great deal of hassle. By using Motive, they have reduced the number of court appearances, enabled faster responses to incidents, and ensured accurate documentation of service deliveries. As a result, Motive has transformed Prairie Disposal’s fleet management into a smooth, well-oiled machine. This tech has proven to be a game-changer, making waste management not only easier but also more enjoyable.

The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on this webpage reflect the real-life experiences of individuals and/or companies who have used our products and/or services. Individual results may vary and past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The testimonials presented on this webpage were voluntarily provided and not paid.

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