1-800-GOT JUNK? switches to Motive dual-facing AI Dashcams to simultaneously boost safety and profits.

With Motive, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? gains real-time insights into driver behavior, reducing accidents and insurance costs.

1 800 Got Junk truck


With Motive’s dual-facing AI Dashcams, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? has gained real-time insights into driver behavior, reducing accidents and insurance costs, and ultimately boosting profitability.

Since switching to Motive from its previous provider, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? now has visibility inside and outside its vehicles. Inside, Motive provides real-time driver coaching to reduce unsafe driver behaviors such as distracted driving, cell phone use and close following. Right from the Driver App, the Motive Safety Score helps drivers improve and creates healthy competition among their truck team members. Outside the vehicle, Motive provides accident detection and on-the-spot video exoneration evidence to defend against litigation and protect drivers from wrongful claims.

Patrick Murphy, General Manager, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Boston West Franchise says it took less than 10 minutes per vehicle to install Motive AI Dashcams, noting that it was “the easiest change we’ve ever made.”

Now, truck team members are automatically assigned to their vehicles with Motive Face Match, an advanced AI technology that automatically creates image-based profiles of drivers. According to Jarrett Peltier, Training Leader, the switch to Motive is saving at least 5 minutes per day per truck team member. Jarrett says that time adds up when there are so many teams on the road everyday.

“We were using a different platform before joining Motive, and it was telling us we were great drivers. There was a three week period (with our previous provider) where we did not receive any harsh event alerts. Once we signed up with Motive, that’s when we saw the harsh detection come back and we got a true sense as to what’s happening on the road. Just the data alone allows us to make better decisions and coach our teams to ensure they’re being safe.” – Patrick Murphy, General Manager, 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Boston West Franchise 

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