GPS Tracking for Fleets

Everything you need to know about using GPS tracking for fleet management.

What is GPS fleet tracking?

GPS fleet tracking is a management system that uses GPS tracking to monitor the location of commercial fleet vehicles and assets.  Fleet managers, along with a variety of companies that deliver goods and provide services, and even the everyday driver…

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How does GPS tracking work?

It’s almost unimaginable today that someone in North America wouldn’t have experience with a global positioning system (GPS). Most of us have GPS devices on our phones, and many of us have GPS trackers in our cars. Commercial fleets can…

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Best GPS fleet tracker for commercial vehicles.

Fleet tracking is a method to monitor assets, fleet vehicle locations, and activities using global positioning system (GPS) tracking technology. For fleet managers, GPS tracking provides significant cost savings, safer vehicle utilization, and on-time arrivals and deliveries.  What is a…

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Introduction to using GPS for fleet management.

Fleet tracking uses GPS tracking to monitor assets and the location and activities of vehicles.  Along with a variety of commercial companies, fleet managers and everyday  drivers use global positioning services to actively monitor and track their vehicles. For fleet…

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What is the best truck GPS navigation system?

By now, most truck drivers have adopted a GPS navigation solution. But often, the solution they choose is a consumer-grade navigation system such as Waze or Google Maps. A truck GPS navigation solution goes far beyond consumer-grade navigation and accounts…

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Tracking trucks with GPS devices.

Tracking trucks with GPS technology is transforming daily operations for fleet owners. Trucking GPS tracking systems allow companies to know exactly where their assets are, where they’re going, and when they’ll arrive at their destination.  Having truck-tracking GPS devices means…

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GPS for fuel tracking and monitoring.

If your business relies on trucks, fuel is a big cost contributor. In fact, according to ATRI, fuel made up 19 percent of operational costs in 2020. While 19 percent is significant, it’s actually historically low, and is reflective of…

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What are commercial trailer tracking systems?

For growing fleets, managing a large number of trailers becomes complex. The reason for this complexity is that growth usually means the expansion of cargo types, and this requires additional types of trailers. With each different trailer, multiple sizes and…

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GPS fleet tracking costs.

Companies with commercial vehicle fleets know that their vehicles are their most cost-intensive assets. Protecting these assets should be a big part of any company’s fleet management strategy. To maintain an operation that is efficient and profitable, it’s essential that…

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A A-GPS A-GPS stands for Assisted Global Positioning System. The key difference between an A-GPS and a GPS  is that an A-GPS gets information from satellites by using network resources, such as mobile networks, whereas a regular GPS device communicates…

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