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Hiroki Osame privatenumber
I'm on a mission to open source my solutions 🚀

@square Tokyo, Japan

Benjie benjie
Community-funded OSS developer/maintainer, working in the GraphQL, Node.js and PostgreSQL ecosystems. GraphQL Technical Steering Committee member. He/him

@graphile Chandler's Ford, UK

GitHub Next githubnext
Exploring the future of software development

United States of America

Hoshi Ran Ran350

Ritsumeikan University Osaka/Japan

Sora Morimoto smorimoto

@ocaml @tc39 Cambridge, UK / Tokyo, Japan

graphemecluster graphemecluster
An amateur programmer who mainly works on languages and linguistics, and sometimes music and mathematics. Cantonese/English/Mandarin/Japanese 粵語/英語/官話/日本語

Hong Kong

Kazuhito Hokamura hokaccha
Software engineer

@ubie-inc Tokyo. Japan

Philip Jägenstedt foolip
Long live the web! I work on Google Chrome, ex-Opera.

Google Stockholm

Engineering Manager, Google Chrome

Google Boston, MA

Kent C. Dodds kentcdodds
Improving the world with quality software · Husband, Father, Latter-day Saint, Teacher, OSS · @remix-run · · EpicReact.Dev · Be Kind

@epicweb-dev Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

iharuya iharuya
Everything is void. Void is everything.
翠 / green sapphi-red
@vitejs core team member

void (0) Japan

Biome biomejs
Toolchain of the web
Jiachi Liu huozhi
build things in minimalism

@vercel </>

Tetsuharu Ohzeki tetsuharuohzeki
open source software engineer

Tokyo, Japan

Ryosuke Niwa rniwa
I'm a @WebKit reviewer.

San Francisco

Yusuke Wada yusukebe
Developer Advocate @cloudflare / Creator of @honojs

@cloudflare Kanagawa, Japan

Linda_pp rhysd
A dog enjoying software development (with bugs)

#"><img src=X onerror=alert('👋🐶');> Tokyo, Japan

Sho Hashimoto shokai
I like Web and Physical Computing

Nota Inc. Yokohama, Japan

Rui Ueyama rui314

Blue Whale Systems Tokyo

Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu queengooborg
Gooborg dragoness queen, proudly extraterrestrial, founder of Gooborg Studios. Available via Telegram, email, etc.


よしこ yoshiko-pg
Front-end Developer


Masaki Hara qnighy
Loves programming languages

@wantedly Tokyo

Shunsuke Wakamatsu mazrean

Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan

Steve Ruiz steveruizok
Design and dev for creative tools.

London, UK

Anurag Hazra anuraghazra
❤️ TypeScript Wizard ❄ Reactjs Magician 🎨 Design Systems

@razorpay India, West Bengal

Shunsuke Suzuki suzuki-shunsuke
Platform Engineer / OSS Developer / Go

Tokyo, Japan

Tachibana waita whywaita
CloudMaker at @CyberAgent | 💗 Infra/Web/IP/... | Please write your favorite foods in the mail about job hiring 🍣🍖🍎

@whywriteit (freelance) / @CyberAgent / @herp-inc Japan



yuta yuta0801
I love JavaScript, definitely not TypeScript
Xornet Xornet-Euphoria
retired CTF Player
Yoshitaka Kawashima kawasima

Wolfchief, Inc. Tokyo, Japan