I'm a community-funded open-source developer.
Sponsorship from awesome individuals, startups, and companies like you help me spend more time on OSS.
- 🙏 Sponsor me - I need your support
- 💙 Personal goal - Creating new OSS useful to everyone.
Connect with me:
I'm a maintainer or the creator of several open-source projects you may be using.
- 🛡️ golangci-lint: Fast linters Runner for Go.
- tagliatelle: A linter that handles struct tags.
- gomoddirectives: A linter that handles
directives intogo.mod
. - go-git-cmd-wrapper: A simple wrapper around git command in Go.
- 🍹 mocktail: Naive code generator that creates mock implementation using testify.mock.
- paerser: Loads configuration from many sources.
- grignotin: A collection of small helpers around Go proxy, Go meta information, etc.
- valkeyrie: Distributed Key/Value Store Abstraction Library written in Go.
- 🧞 Traefik: The Cloud Native Application Proxy.
- 📝 traefik-certs-dumper: Dump ACME data from Traefik to certificates
- 🧹 traefik-certs-cleaner: A simple helper to clean the Traefik
file by removing and revoking certificates.
ACME, DNS, and Certificates:
- 🔐 lego: Let's Encrypt client and ACME library written in Go.
- 🌳 The natural reserve of DNS clients in Go
Maintainer Tools:
- prm: Pull request manager for maintainers.
- Messor Structor: Manage multiple documentation versions with Mkdocs.
- Myrmica Lobicornis: Update and merge pull requests.
- Myrmica Aloba: Add labels and milestone on pull requests and issues.
- Lasius Mixtus: Publish documentation to a GitHub repository from another.
- gha-mjolnir: GitHub Action to close issues related to the merge of a pull request.
I hope sponsorships will help me continue working on open-source software and if you would like to support my future work, consider joining me as a sponsor ❤️❤️❤️!