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vite's MPA unlike @vue/cli's pages option have a configuration in dev mode.

vite's html file need to place in project's root to have same behavior in dev and production mode, it makes your project's root dir looks chaotic.

And if you follow vite's MPA, put other file in other directory, unlike index.html, you need useless middle directory( Ex. from vite's MPA doc to located it.

so, i write this plugin to make vite's MPA more configurable and in dev mode or production has same behavior.

this plugin use vite's configureServer Hook to intercept html request and response the html content requested from browser.


  1. 1.1.9 add urlTransformerfunction to support developer edit url
  2. 1.0.2 add connect-history-api-fallback support
  3. 0.4.0 add a new option to pages,just need an js file,plugin will auto generate a html file which include the entry js
  4. 0.3.0 change the behavior of defaultRender, if in project, it has ejs as dependency, it will return html code which rendered by ejs, otherwise it will return html code directly as old version do
  5. 0.2.9 add a new option injectCode to add some code before/after tag in html file
  6. 0.2.8 add a new option extraGlobPattern to customize fast-glob's pattern. Default pattern is ['**/*.html', '!node_modules/**/*.html', '!.**/*.html'], attention: if your config has problems, such as you didn't ignore dist, when build,it will occur error: new Error('[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "${id}" from "${importer}".\n'
  7. 0.2.6 pages now correctly identify multi-level directories
  8. 0.2.3 pages options now can set to true to allow all html in project.
  9. 0.2.1 now works fine with @vitejs/plugin-react.
  10. 0.2.0 has reworked, so config have a little change
    1. plugin does not require your html exists, but you must provide a template file(as html)
    2. page's config renamed to template
    3. each page can have a independent render function
    4. add a global config data, its' config will be covered by page's data
    5. all you pages' will be treat as template file


  • allow you put your html file anywhere in your project(like @vue/cli's pages)
    • when you run in dev,it will intercept html requests,and response with the html content which you set in pages.
    • when you run build, it will copy files(reading config from pages options) under dist's sub-folder to dist folder, and then delete the rest html file.
  • auto config build.rollupOptions.input from pages
  • if your html do not have a module script import. plugin will try to add a js/ts script import using the html file's name.


yarn add vite-plugin-virtual-html --dev # npm install vite-plugin-virtual-html -D

Add it to vite.config.js

// vite.config.js
const virtualHtml = require('vite-plugin-virtual-html')

const pages = {
    index: '/src/index/index.html',
    login: '/src/login/login.html',

module.exports = {
  plugins: [virtualHtml({
  indexPage: 'login'



config your project's all html/template file's path

it will be used for:

  • dev mode, it will intercept your html request, and response with html file in this config
  • build mode, inject into build.rollupOptions.input
  • when you build, plugin will copy all your config pages to project ROOT, and when build finished, the copied HTML file will auto remove from project ROOT.
  • if you want to use template system,you can send a object which contains template and data to render it. By default, it will return the html content in your HTML/template file, when you define a render function, it(html template) will rendered by your custom render function.
// all config 
    // 1. directly input html/template path
    login1: '/src/index/index.html', 
    // 2. a object with template
    login2: {
      template: '/src/login/login.html', // if there is no data prop, the login.html must only contain HTML content
    // 3. a object with template and data, maybe with render
    login3: {
      template: '/src/login1/login1.html',
      data: {
        users: ['a', 'b', 'c']
      // each page can have independent render function
      // render(template, data){
      //   return template
      // }
    // 4. config a js file path to auto-generate a html file
    login4: {
      entry: '/src/login/login.js', // MUST
      title: 'login4',// optional, default: ''
      body: '<div id="app"></div>' // optional, default: '<div id="app"></div>'


  1. if your html page contains any template content(such as <$= users.join(" | "); $>), you must contain template and data.
  2. The pages options' key is the real HTML file after build
  3. The pages options' key and value/ template file's name can different.
  4. for example 1, you can access login1.html when dev mode, and it will generate a login1.html when build.
  5. when pages set to true, the template.html will only generate ONLY ONE html file
  6. when use entry config, plugin will auto generate a html file like this project's demo4.html, according your entry/title/body config, it will has a little difference


config the index page

Ex. when you open, your project's root dir has no index.html file, then browser will show 404.

now, if you set this, plugin will intercept / request, and response with page you set.

Like this: when you set indexPage to login,then you access in browser, it will show the /login.html page.

it equals to access


from 0.1.0 , you can use render function to render html template. i have just test in ejs, but i think other template system will(maybe) work correctly.


  1. 0.3.0 or later,if your html code/template use ejs template, you MUST install ejs


Customize fast-glob's pattern When set this options, it will replace default fast-glob pattern, it's default value is ['**/*.html', '!node_modules/**/*.html', '!.**/*.html']



In html file, put replacementbefore/after find


Allow plugin's user to fully customize the url, this is a function which has two param:(resolvedUrl,req)

First param: resolvedUrl is a string, it means the plugin handles from req param.

Second param : req, is a http.IncommingMessage

This function must return a string


  1. if you use same template file for multiple page, please make sure the page's key is different.
  2. please DO NOT use this plugin when you build a library(you can use this in dev NOT in build)


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