A community-curated list of one-liners (or several-liners if elegance demands) in Ruby
File.open(filename, 'rb') { |file| file.read }
This only works if ENV['HOME']
is set, though. RubyTapas #10 gives us an alternative using Etc
to find the current user's login name and passing that to Dir.home
Calculate the Hamming distance between two strings str1
and str2
(returns nil
if str1
and str2
are of unequal length):
str1.chars.zip(str2.chars).reduce(0) { |sum, (x, y)| sum + (x == y ? 0 : 1) } if str1.size == str2.size
(str1 + str1)[str2] == str2
My first inclination would be to convert to binary and use []
, i.e., j.to_s(2)[n].to_i
, but you can call []
directly on an Integer
a - [l]
Or a -= [l]
if you would like to reasign the result to a
. This is the most elegant way I've seen of doing this. Doing something like a.delete(l)
returns l
rather than the updated value of a
which disrupts method chaining. You could always do a.tap { |x| x.delete(l) }
, but I think the above line is superior and just as chainable if enclosed in parentheses.
Convert an array a
with even index whose elements are alternating key value pairs (e.g., [k1, v1, k2, v2,..., kn, vn]
into the respective hash h
h = Hash[*a]
This is likely not a good idea if a
happens to be a large dataset as the splat operator will expand all contents of the array to the stack. In that case, you can use h = Hash[a.each_slice(2).to_a]
In the event a
is already a 2D array of the form [[k1, v1], [k2, v2],..., [kn, vn]]
, you can simply do h = Hash[a]
. And from Ruby 2.1 onwards, you can simply use Array#to_h
: h = a.to_h
[*1..n].product([*1..n]).map { |arr| arr.reduce(:*) }.each_slice(n).to_a
Or, if you're using ActiveSupport:
[*1..n].product([*1..n]).map { |arr| arr.reduce(:*) }.in_groups(n)
And in terms of clarity, this one's about as good as it gets:
Array.new(n) { |x| Array.new(n) { |y| (x+1)*(y+1) } }
There are many ways to do this, but using Enumerable#each_with_object
seems to be the most idiomatic:
a.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |element, frequency| frequency[element] += 1 }
also works, but feels clumsier. Notice that the block parameters are reversed compared to the above and the need to explicitly return the accumulator on each pass:
a.reduce(Hash.new(0)) { |frequency, element| frequency[element] += 1; frequency }
And yet another way using Ruby 2.2+ that seems truest to a functional style:
a.group_by(&:itself).map { |k, v| [k, v.size] }.to_h
You can use parallel assignment in conjunction with the splat operator if you're planning on using the head:
head, *rest = a
But if you just want the rest, using drop
is better:
Both are preferable to a[1..-1]
in that they return []
rather than nil
if a
is empty.
a.group_by(&:itself).select { |_, v| v.size > 1 }.keys
You can replace group_by(&:itself)
with group_by { |n| n }
for lesser versions of Ruby.
a.each_cons(n).map { |interval| interval.reduce(:+) / n.to_f }
For and, or, and xor, we can use Enumerable#reduce
paired with the appropriate logical operator, i.e., a.reduce(:&)
, a.reduce(:|)
, and a.reduce(:^)
, respectively.
For reducing over and and or, I find a.all?
and a.any?
to be more idiomatic than explicit use of reduce
This one is best illustrated by an example. Note, I don't think there is a particularly elegant way to do what I'm about to describe in Ruby. A common idiom is to map over a collection and select the resulting values for those elements which conform to some predicate.
For example, suppose we have an array a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
and want to get a resulting collection that adds 1 to each element only if that element is even. We can achieve this in several ways:
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a.map { |l| l + 1 if l.even? }.compact # => [3, 5]
a.select(&:even?).map { |l| l + 1 } # => [3, 5]
a.each_with_object([]) { |l, res| res << l + 1 if l.even? } # => [3, 5]
a.reduce([]) { |res, l| res.push(l + 1) if l.even?; res } # => [3, 5]
All of these one-liners return the desired result, all of them feel clumsy.
Create a hash h
from two arrays k
and v
of equal length that represent h
's keys and values, respectively:
h = Hash[k.zip(v)]
- The straightforward way:
k, v = h.keys, h.values
- Or more cryptically for impressing your nerdy friends:
k, v = *h.to_a.transpose
ActiveSupport has a nifty little method for this called Hash#except
. The best I could come up with for doing this in one line with Ruby non-destructively is
hash.tap { |h| a.map { |k| h.delete(k) } }
Weighted random sampling without replacement of a hash h
's keys whose values are weighted probabilities that sum to 1:
h.max_by { |_, weight| rand ** (1.0/weight) }.first
This is essentially the weighted analogue of Array#sample
. With Ruby 2.2+, we also have the analogue of Array#sample(n)
h.max_by(n) { |_, weight| rand ** (1.0/weight) }.map(&:first)
(1..n).reduce(1, :*) if n.is_a?(Integer) && n > -1
Given an m
matrix, return an array that represents the clockwise spiral path from the top left to the center. For example, given
matrix = [[1,2,3],
should return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
def spiral(matrix)
matrix.empty? ? [] : matrix.shift + spiral(matrix.transpose.reverse)
Note that this implementation has one major drawback — it mutates its argument.
This isn't a one-liner nor is it something I recommend without extreme caution as it patches a core class, but it is one of the slickest — if not the slickest — Ruby hacks I've ever seen.
Open up the Symbol
class and add a call
method to it that contains the following lambda:
class Symbol
def call(*args, &block)
->(caller, *rest) { caller.send(self, *rest, *args, &block) }
This gives Symbol#to_proc
the superpower of accepting arguments. so, instead of doing, e.g.,
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
text = %w(this is a test)
nums.map { |num| num ** 1i }
text.map { |word| word.gsub('s', '*') }
we can do
text.map(&:gsub.call('s', '*'))
But there's one more trick here. By naming our method call
, we can use the shorter .()
text.map(&:gsub.('s', '*'))