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Releases: MobileChromeApps/harness


21 Mar 21:03
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v0.4.2-alpha Pre-release
  • Fixed remote web inspector being turned off in v0.4.1-alpha
  • Use the newly committed keystore for consistent signing keys going forward (debug signing key)

Chrome ADT v0.4.1-alpha

21 Mar 07:06
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  • Display IP address on main screen
  • Fix deploying from the menu screen not working after the first time
  • Minor bugfixes


13 Mar 16:33
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v0.4.0-alpha Pre-release
  • No more Start Listening button, the listen mode is now always active when the app is running.
  • Package name has changed.
  • Numerous internal cleanups to the upstream Cordova App Harness.


12 Feb 17:38
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v0.3.2-alpha Pre-release
  • While unzipping a CRX file, ensure parent directories exist before creating a file.
  • Change the app's title back to "Chrome ADT". It was inadvertently changed to "Cordova App Harness", which is the name of the upstream project.


04 Feb 23:25
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v0.3.1-alpha Pre-release
  • Pushed apps now use the name provided to the /push?name=NAME_HERE&... parameter. No more "New Chrome App" entries!
  • Removed Barcode Scanner, since it's flaky and frequently causes the device to kill the ADT, resulting in no URL input.


04 Feb 20:59
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v0.3.0-alpha Pre-release


28 Jan 17:35
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v0.2.0-alpha Pre-release
  • Adds QR-code scanning when adding an app.
  • Better error messages on bad URLs.


28 Jan 15:58
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v0.1.1-alpha Pre-release
  • Handles CRX downloads from URLs that don't end in .crx.
  • Handles CRX files with long public keys and signatures (zip plugin previously only read one byte of length, needs to read two).

Alpha 2 with push

27 Jan 16:34
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Alpha 2 with push Pre-release

This is an alpha pre-release of the Chrome ADT for Android intended for testing before we publicize these tools. Please test it with Chrome apps downloaded as .crx files, and report any bugs in functionality or branding.

Classic flow

  1. Download and install ChromeADT.apk on your Android device.
  2. Package the app you want to test into a CRX file.
  3. Upload that CRX file to a location you can access from your phone, eg. Google Drive.
  4. Launch the Chrome ADT on your Android device.
  5. Add a new app.
  6. Select CRX from the app type drop-down.
  7. Enter the URL, or scan a QR code, for the CRX file.
  8. Press Add.
  9. Once the app has finished installing, you can launch it from the app list.

Push flow

Alternatively, you can use the "push" functionality. You can see more about push here, but the short version is that you can push a CRX file to the harness with a curl command like:

curl -X POST "" -F "file=@path/to/myapp.crx"


Note that when you're running a child app, you can open a context menu by three-finger touching the screen. From this menu you can return to the main menu, restart or update the app, or other such things.


The Chrome Apps APIs that are supported are:

  • chrome.runtime
  • chrome.identity
  • chrome.socket
  • chrome.fileSystem
  • chrome.syncFileSystem
  • chrome.power
  • chrome.i18n
  • chrome.notifications
  • chrome.idle

which should be sufficient for testing most Chrome Apps. Note also that IndexedDB is not supported prior to Android 4.4, since it is not supported on the old Android WebView.

Alpha testing

23 Jan 19:22
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Alpha testing Pre-release

This is an alpha pre-release of the Chrome ADT for Android intended for testing before we publicize these tools. Please test it with Chrome apps downloaded as .crx files, and report any bugs in functionality or branding.

  1. Download and install ChromeADT.apk on your Android device.
  2. Package the app you want to test into a CRX file.
  3. Upload that CRX file to a location you can access from your phone, eg. Google Drive.
  4. Launch the Chrome ADT on your Android device.
  5. Add a new app.
  6. Select CRX from the app type drop-down.
  7. Enter the URL, or scan a QR code, for the CRX file.
  8. Press Add.
  9. Once the app has finished installing, you can tap its entry in the list to run it.

Note that when you're running a child app, you can open a context menu by three-finger touching the screen. From this menu you can return to the main menu, restart or update the app, or other such things.

The Chrome Apps APIs that are supported are:

  • chrome.runtime
  • chrome.identity
  • chrome.socket
  • chrome.fileSystem
  • chrome.syncFileSystem
  • chrome.power
  • chrome.i18n
  • chrome.notifications
  • chrome.idle

which should be sufficient for testing most Chrome Apps. Note that IndexedDB is not supported prior to Android 4.4, since it is not supported on the old Android WebView.