blob: 0d67479abdc052da60849cc83ecac36d3547ec8a [file] [log] [blame]
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\VariableGenerator;
use Content;
use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Hooks\AbuseFilterHookRunner;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\TextExtractor;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Variables\VariableHolder;
use MediaWiki\Page\WikiPageFactory;
use MediaWiki\Revision\MutableRevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\Revision\SlotRecord;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MimeAnalyzer;
use MWFileProps;
use UploadBase;
use User;
use Wikimedia\Assert\PreconditionException;
use WikiPage;
* This class contains the logic used to create variable holders before filtering
* an action.
class RunVariableGenerator extends VariableGenerator {
* @var User
private $user;
* @var Title
private $title;
/** @var TextExtractor */
private $textExtractor;
/** @var MimeAnalyzer */
private $mimeAnalyzer;
/** @var WikiPageFactory */
private $wikiPageFactory;
* @param AbuseFilterHookRunner $hookRunner
* @param TextExtractor $textExtractor
* @param MimeAnalyzer $mimeAnalyzer
* @param WikiPageFactory $wikiPageFactory
* @param User $user
* @param Title $title
* @param VariableHolder|null $vars
public function __construct(
AbuseFilterHookRunner $hookRunner,
TextExtractor $textExtractor,
MimeAnalyzer $mimeAnalyzer,
WikiPageFactory $wikiPageFactory,
User $user,
Title $title,
VariableHolder $vars = null
) {
parent::__construct( $hookRunner, $vars );
$this->textExtractor = $textExtractor;
$this->mimeAnalyzer = $mimeAnalyzer;
$this->wikiPageFactory = $wikiPageFactory;
$this->user = $user;
$this->title = $title;
* Get variables for pre-filtering an edit during stash
* @param Content $content
* @param string $summary
* @param string $slot
* @param WikiPage $page
* @return VariableHolder|null
public function getStashEditVars(
Content $content,
string $summary,
WikiPage $page
): ?VariableHolder {
$filterText = $this->getEditTextForFiltering( $page, $content, $slot );
if ( $filterText === null ) {
return null;
list( $oldContent, $oldAfText, $text ) = $filterText;
return $this->newVariableHolderForEdit(
$page, $summary, $content, $text, $oldAfText, $oldContent
* Get the text of an edit to be used for filtering
* @todo Full support for multi-slots
* @param WikiPage $page
* @param Content $content
* @param string $slot
* @return array|null
private function getEditTextForFiltering( WikiPage $page, Content $content, $slot ): ?array {
$oldRevRecord = $page->getRevisionRecord();
if ( !$oldRevRecord ) {
return null;
$oldContent = $oldRevRecord->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW );
if ( !$oldContent ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw new LogicException( 'Content cannot be null' );
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$oldAfText = $this->textExtractor->revisionToString( $oldRevRecord, $this->user );
// XXX: Recreate what the new revision will probably be so we can get the full AF
// text for all slots
$newRevision = MutableRevisionRecord::newFromParentRevision( $oldRevRecord );
$newRevision->setContent( $slot, $content );
$text = $this->textExtractor->revisionToString( $newRevision, $this->user );
// Don't trigger for null edits. Compare Content objects if available, but check the
// stringified contents as well, e.g. for line endings normalization (T240115).
// Don't treat content model change as null edit though.
if (
$content->equals( $oldContent ) ||
( $oldContent->getModel() === $content->getModel() && strcmp( $oldAfText, $text ) === 0 )
) {
return null;
return [ $oldContent, $oldAfText, $text ];
* @param WikiPage $page
* @param string $summary
* @param Content $newcontent
* @param string $text
* @param string $oldtext
* @param Content|null $oldcontent
* @return VariableHolder
private function newVariableHolderForEdit(
WikiPage $page,
string $summary,
Content $newcontent,
string $text,
string $oldtext,
Content $oldcontent = null
): VariableHolder {
$this->addUserVars( $this->user )
->addTitleVars( $this->title, 'page' );
$this->vars->setVar( 'action', 'edit' );
$this->vars->setVar( 'summary', $summary );
if ( $oldcontent instanceof Content ) {
$oldmodel = $oldcontent->getModel();
} else {
$oldmodel = '';
$oldtext = '';
$this->vars->setVar( 'old_content_model', $oldmodel );
$this->vars->setVar( 'new_content_model', $newcontent->getModel() );
$this->vars->setVar( 'old_wikitext', $oldtext );
$this->vars->setVar( 'new_wikitext', $text );
try {
$update = $page->getCurrentUpdate();
} catch ( PreconditionException | LogicException $exception ) {
// Temporary workaround until this becomes
// a hook parameter
$update = null;
$this->addEditVars( $page, $this->user, true, $update );
return $this->vars;
* Get variables for filtering an edit.
* @param Content $content
* @param string $summary
* @param string $slot
* @param WikiPage $page
* @return VariableHolder|null
public function getEditVars(
Content $content,
string $summary,
WikiPage $page
): ?VariableHolder {
if ( $this->title->exists() ) {
$filterText = $this->getEditTextForFiltering( $page, $content, $slot );
if ( $filterText === null ) {
return null;
list( $oldContent, $oldAfText, $text ) = $filterText;
} else {
// Optimization
$oldContent = null;
$oldAfText = '';
$text = $this->textExtractor->contentToString( $content );
return $this->newVariableHolderForEdit(
$page, $summary, $content, $text, $oldAfText, $oldContent
* Get variables used to filter a move.
* @param Title $newTitle
* @param string $reason
* @return VariableHolder
public function getMoveVars(
Title $newTitle,
string $reason
): VariableHolder {
$this->addUserVars( $this->user )
->addTitleVars( $this->title, 'MOVED_FROM' )
->addTitleVars( $newTitle, 'MOVED_TO' );
$this->vars->setVar( 'summary', $reason );
$this->vars->setVar( 'action', 'move' );
return $this->vars;
* Get variables for filtering a deletion.
* @param string $reason
* @return VariableHolder
public function getDeleteVars(
string $reason
): VariableHolder {
$this->addUserVars( $this->user )
->addTitleVars( $this->title, 'page' );
$this->vars->setVar( 'summary', $reason );
$this->vars->setVar( 'action', 'delete' );
return $this->vars;
* Get variables for filtering an upload.
* @param string $action
* @param UploadBase $upload
* @param string|null $summary
* @param string|null $text
* @param array|null $props
* @return VariableHolder|null
public function getUploadVars(
string $action,
UploadBase $upload,
?string $summary,
?string $text,
?array $props
): ?VariableHolder {
if ( !$props ) {
$props = ( new MWFileProps( $this->mimeAnalyzer ) )->getPropsFromPath(
$this->addUserVars( $this->user )
->addTitleVars( $this->title, 'page' );
$this->vars->setVar( 'action', $action );
// We use the hexadecimal version of the file sha1.
// Use UploadBase::getTempFileSha1Base36 so that we don't have to calculate the sha1 sum again
$sha1 = \Wikimedia\base_convert( $upload->getTempFileSha1Base36(), 36, 16, 40 );
// This is the same as AbuseFilterRowVariableGenerator::addUploadVars, but from a different source
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_sha1', $sha1 );
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_size', $upload->getFileSize() );
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_mime', $props['mime'] );
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_mediatype', $this->mimeAnalyzer->getMediaType( null, $props['mime'] ) );
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_width', $props['width'] );
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_height', $props['height'] );
$this->vars->setVar( 'file_bits_per_channel', $props['bits'] );
// We only have the upload comment and page text when using the UploadVerifyUpload hook
if ( $summary !== null && $text !== null ) {
// This block is adapted from self::getEditTextForFiltering()
$page = $this->wikiPageFactory->newFromTitle( $this->title );
if ( $this->title->exists() ) {
$revRec = $page->getRevisionRecord();
if ( !$revRec ) {
return null;
$oldcontent = $revRec->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::RAW );
'@phan-var Content $oldcontent';
$oldtext = $this->textExtractor->contentToString( $oldcontent );
// Page text is ignored for uploads when the page already exists
$text = $oldtext;
} else {
$oldtext = '';
// Load vars for filters to check
$this->vars->setVar( 'summary', $summary );
$this->vars->setVar( 'old_wikitext', $oldtext );
$this->vars->setVar( 'new_wikitext', $text );
// TODO: set old_content_model and new_content_model vars, use them
$this->addEditVars( $page, $this->user, true );
return $this->vars;
* Get variables for filtering an account creation
* @param User $createdUser This is the user being created, not the creator (which is $this->user)
* @param bool $autocreate
* @return VariableHolder
public function getAccountCreationVars(
User $createdUser,
bool $autocreate
): VariableHolder {
// generateUserVars records $this->user->getName() which would be the IP for unregistered users
if ( $this->user->isRegistered() ) {
$this->addUserVars( $this->user );
$this->vars->setVar( 'action', $autocreate ? 'autocreateaccount' : 'createaccount' );
$this->vars->setVar( 'accountname', $createdUser->getName() );
return $this->vars;