Complete avian malaria parasite genomes reveal features associated with lineage-specific evolution in birds and mammals

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Figure 5.
Figure 5.

Similarity of gene families within Plasmodium. (A) A network of BLASTP similarity between genes (nodes) sharing at least 31% global identity. Genes are colored by species. The pir genes were excluded due to their large numbers across the Plasmodium genus. Fam-m and Fam-l are P. malariae-specific gene families (Rutledge et al. 2017). (B) Clustering of STP1 and SURFIN genes based on the occurrence motifs identified using MEME. Where a gene (row) has a specific motif (column), the value is set to 1. The matrix is clustered through a hierarchical clustering algorithm (Ward 1963) to visualize similar patterns of motif-sharing. The x-axis represents motifs that occur in at least 10 genes, and individual genes are displayed on the y-axis (rows). Colored bars on the left identify species; the bar on the right, the gene annotation. Boxed areas indicate possible gene family subtypes.

This Article

  1. Genome Res. 28: 547-560

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