B’ e aisling neo bruadar rudeigin a chì neo a smaoinicheas duine, gu h-àraid na chadal. Uaireannan, tha aislingean gu math neònach, neo annasach, agus chan eil daoine gan tuigsinn gu math. Rinn Sigmund Freud seòrsa oidhirp, còmhla ri Carl Jung, msa, ach tha na freagairtean aige gu math connspaideach, agus chan eil a h-uile duine ag aontachadh ris. Anns an Leabhar Genesis 37-48, nuair a tha aisling neònach aig a’ Pharaoh, chlàraich Eòsaph e.
Ceangailtean a-muigh
[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]- Dreams : the intelligent universe Describes how dreams are constructed from parallel universes
- Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism An archive of mythological, ritualistic, and symbolic images from all over the world and from all epochs of human history
- Valasearch Dreams Describes dreams in ancient history, facts about dreams, quotes, dream recall, and dream interpretation.
- Maljonic's Dreams Dream diary with dream dictionary and dream message board
- The Epistemology of Descartes (fulltext) Classic philosophy on the difference between the real and the dream world
- Dreams and the Vedanta-sutra (Vedic/Hindu tradition)
- Newsweek Article exploring dreams
- The Dream Explorer Online resource and community for dreamers and lucid dreamers.