Dead Space Remake (2023)

Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Walkthrough, Interactive Map, and Collectibles

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Dead Space Remake - Chapter 4 - Obliteration Imminent.png

Obliteration Imminent is the fourth chapter of Dead Space Remake (2023)'s main story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of rewards, tips for completion, an interactive map of Obliteration Imminent weapons, upgrades, logs, and other side mission collectibles, as well as other strategies!

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Course Correction Lethal Devotion

Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Collectible Locations

Interactive Collectibles Map

Weapon and Upgrade Locations

Weapon/Upgrade Location
Dead Space Remake - Contact Beam WeaponContact Beam Found inside the Records Office while passing through the zero-g hallway that leads to Mining Administration.
Dead Space Remake - Level 3 Suit SchematicLevel 3 Suit The Intermediate Engineer RIG schematic can be found during Chapter 4, inside the EVA Prep Room at the Water Purification level of the Bridge.
Dead Space Remake - P.C.S.I. Custom Magazine UpgradeP.C.S.I. Custom Magazine Found inside the fuse-locked Electric Systems Storage room in Chapter 4. Requires moving around some boxes with Kinesis to clear get a clear sight of the fuse box.
Dead Space Remake - High-Yield Grenades UpgradeHigh-Yield Grenades Found inside the Water Purification Storage room in Floor 5 of the Bridge. Requires Master Override Security Clearance.
Dead Space Remake - Marker Fragment 4 Fragment 4Marker Fragment 4
Related Guides
All Weapon Locations All Weapon Upgrade Locations All Suit Upgrade Locations

Log Locations

Log Event Trigger
Dead Space Remake - Bridge Attack Audio LogBridge Attack Found in the Main Atrium next to where the meteor impacts the deck.
Dead Space Remake - EckhardtEckhardt's Clearance Found inside the Captain’s Nest.
Dead Space Remake - More Time Text LogMore Time Found inside the Captain’s Nest.
Dead Space Remake - CaptainCaptain's Fate Found inside the Armory of the Bridge Security Room.
Dead Space Remake - Tracking Infection Text LogTracking Infection Found on top of a workbench inside the Admin Server Maintenance room.
Dead Space Remake - Unitology Article Text LogUnitology Article Found inside the Break Room in Electrical Systems.
Dead Space Remake - Looking For Elizabeth Audio LogLooking For Elizabeth Found to the left of the elevator after arriving at the Water Purification level.
Dead Space Remake - Hold On Audio LogHold On Found by interacting with the mail terminal just before the door leading to the ADS Cannons.
Dead Space Remake - Unknown Text LogUnknown Can be unlocked by following the steps on the floor of the Break Room on the Bridge.
Dead Space Remake - Marker Fragment 4 Fragment 4Marker Fragment 4

All Log Locations

Other Collectible Locations

Collectible Location
Dead Space Remake - WhiteWhite's RIG Located on the outside of the Ishimura. A little past the third ADS cannon from the airlock door, the RIG can be picked up without any fuss.
Dead Space Remake - BensonBenson's RIG This area is accessible at the start of Chapter 10 when you have access to the Crew Deck from the Bridge.
Dead Space Remake - Marker Fragment 4 Fragment 4Marker Fragment 4

You Are Not Authorized Side Mission Guide: All RIG Locations

Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Walkthrough

Obliteration Imminent Summary

1 Meet Hammond on the Bridge.
2 Activate the Elevators.
3 Power and Restart the ADS Cannons.
4 Callibrate Three ADS Cannons.
5 Return to the Captain's Nest.

Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Detailed Walkthrough

Dead Space Remake placeholder quest iconMeet Hammond in the Captain's Nest.
After arriving at the Bridge Tram Station, head towards the Main Atrium. Take a right from Bridge Hall Storage, this room requires Level 2 Clearance, which you will get once you meet up with Hammond in the Captain's Nest. Take a left from the Store to get to the Main Atrium. Head down to the front of the Bridge and down the elevator to the Captain's Nest. Interact with Bridge Security to begin a Side Mission.
►You Are Not Authorized Side Mission Guide
Dead Space Remake placeholder quest iconActivate the Elevators.
Get back up on the Bridge and head towards the Security Room to activate the elevators. Get ready to be attacked by a Brute!

As soon as you see the doors of the Security Room deforming, back away and get some good distance between you and the coming Necromorph. Use Stasis to temporarily stun the Brute giving you time to get to its back and shoot its weakspots.
Dead Space Remake placeholder quest iconReroute Power from Mining Administration.
Take the elevator facing the Security Room and go to Floor 2. Go through Administration Access Corridor to Mining Administration. Go through the door and kill the Slashers that are going back and forth inside the room. Go into the Main Fuses Room to your left and destroy the plasma cell by the door. Take caution as you reach the far side of the room avoiding the electrical surges from the floor towards the power terminal. Reroute the power and return to the elevator.
Dead Space Remake placeholder quest iconReroute Power from Electrical Systems.
Go to Floor 3. Head into the Comm Array and make your way to the end of the hall to Electrical Systems. Go through the maze, avoiding electrical surges from the floor. You can also lure Necromorphs towards those floor tiles to save on ammo.

As you reach the end of the room, a Brute will come charging at you. Use Stasis to slow it down and gain the opportunity of shoot it from the back. Recharge your Stasis and use it on the two live wires, then proceed to the reroute terminal. Return to the elevator.
Dead Space Remake placeholder quest iconReroute Power from Water Purification.
Return to the Atrium, some Necromorphs will spawn as you get off the elevator. Once they are dealt with, go to the elevator on the other side of the shaft, and go up to Floor 4. Follow the hall until you are met by necromorphs. After dealing with them the reroute terminal will be in the hall just before Exterior Access.
Dead Space Remake placeholder quest iconCalibrate Three ADS Cannons.
Go through Exterior Access and keep on following the hall to the elevator and past that until you reach the Airlock blast door. Take-off and fly towards the first ADS Cannon on your left. There will be O2 Recharge stations just across every cannon. All that's left is to destroy a few asteroids to calibrate the ADS cannons. Return to the Captain's Nest afterwards.

Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Tips and Strategies

How to Calibrate the ADS Cannons

When you're near enough to interact with the cannon, all you need to do is to guide the aim of the cannon and fire a few decent hits to the asteroids. After a few sure hits, the gauge will reach 100% and the cannon will be calibrated.

Shoot the Brute's Back

The Brute will have yellow tissue that connects its arms to the rest of its torso. Once you dismember its arms, it wiill go down and you can killl it. Alternatively, its backside is exposed with this critical yellow tissue. Shooting it in the back is also an option.

Do Not Shoot Pregnant's Stomach

Pregnants are a type of Necromorph with enlarged stomachs that hold Swarmers, hence the name. If you shoot its body, the stomach will burst releasing a bunch of Swarmers that will add to your list of current Necromorphs to deal with. Instead, shoot at its limbs to kill it.

Be Mindful of Electrical Surges

Signs of an electrical surge will be seen as pulsing energy emanating from the floor. Avoid these at all times as getting caught in its field will result in damage. Alternatively, it is a good tactic to get Necromorphs into these fields.

Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent Enemies Encountered

List of Necromorphs
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Brute Brute Weak Spots: Yellow Sac, Back
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Divider Divider Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Hunter Hunter Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Leaper Leaper Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: Stasis
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Lurker Lurker Weak Spots: Tentacles
Weaknesses: None
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Pregnants Pregnants Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: Stasis
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Slasher Slasher Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: None
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Super-Slasher Super-Slasher Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: None
Dead Space Remake (2023)- Swarmers Swarmers Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives, Fire

Dead Space Remake Related Guides

Sample Partial Banner.png

Full Story Walkthrough: All Chapters

Main Missions

All Story Chapters
New Arrivals
(Chapter 1)
Intensive Care
(Chapter 2)
Course Correction
(Chapter 3)
Obliteration Imminent
(Chapter 4)
Lethal Devotion
(Chapter 5)
Environmental Hazard
(Chapter 6)
Into the Void
(Chapter 7)
Search and Rescue
(Chapter 8)
Dead on Arrival
(Chapter 9)
End of Days
(Chapter 10)
Alternate Solutions
(Chapter 11)
Dead Space
(Chapter 12)


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