

This area of our website is intended for Gamblers Anonymous members. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling. There are no dues or fees for GA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

Gamblers Anonymous policy on finance and contributions

Gamblers Anonymous is fully self-supporting and does not seek or accept contributions from people outside the fellowship. When outside contributions are received at the Group or Regional Service Office, they are returned with a note explaining our position on the question of self-support. In Australia, the maximum contribution from an individual member is not limited. This policy is reviewed from time to time. Expenses at the group level for room hire, coffee, refreshments and literature are met by members attending the meeting. In a majority of groups, any excess money is deposited with the Regional Service Office or Intergroup to help with expenses like the phone, photocopier and office co-ordinator out-of-pocket expenses. The Regional Service Office and Intergroup bank a prudent fund to cover expenses generally aligned to our primary purpose. That is to help the compulsive gambler who still suffers.

Contributions to the International Service Office (ISO)

Gamblers Anonymous Australia is supported by the International Service Office (ISO) located in Los Angeles, USA. To assist the ISO to function on a financial basis several Australian members contribute financially to the ISO through voluntary contributions. The amount is voluntary and completely up to the member depending on their personal circumstances. If you are interested in making a voluntary contribution to the ISO, set-up a permanent withdrawal from your bank account to your Regional Service Office bank account. Use "ISO Donation" as a reference. Your Regional Service Office will then transfer to the ISO in the first quarter of each year. Think for a minute how desperate we were when we first got to Gamblers Anonymous - then take the time to consider this worthwhile cause.

Upcoming Events

2025 Conference Flyer

Mercure Gold Coast Resort
64 Palm Meadows Drive, Carrara, QLD 4211
Friday 29th August 2025 (6pm) -  Sunday 31st August 2025 (4pm) 
Registration from 4pm Friday
  • Brian 0401 253 211
  • Glenn 0400 955 589
  • Sally 0412 971 673
  • Ben 0424 289 614
  • [email protected]

    An interview with Australia's longest abstinence member

    In July 2015 an interview was held with Sam A at his home at Woy Woy on the NSW Central Coast. He is Australia's longest abstinence member. Sam hasn't gambled for more than 50 years. He started the first Regional Service Office in Australia in 1978 after a trip to the United States. Sam is 90 years old but still attends special birthday meetings in Sydney. Click here to listen.

    Interview with Sam

    Literature & other brochures


    A New Beginning (5th edition 2007)

    110 pages - Published by the International Service Office in Los Angeles.
    This book gives the reader a broad outline about the structure of Gamblers Anonymous, the 12 Steps of Recovery and 12 Steps of Unity, the types of meetings and personal stories. It also includes an acknowledgement of thanks to Alcoholics Anonymous for sharing its program.

    Sharing Recovery Through Gamblers Anonymous (1983)

    228 pages - Published by the International Service Office in Los Angeles.
    This book provides a fictional story about a compulsive gambler at the beginning of the book, outlines the steps of Recovery and unity, provides opinions from professionals in the field of psychology on the subject of pathological gambling and personal stories.

    A Day at a Time (1994)

    Published by Hazelden in the United States of America.
    This book provides daily reflections and insights for the reader covering each day of the calendar year.


    There is a variety of literature and brochures available to Gamblers Anonymous members and the public. Click the link below. It's easy to place an order. Go to the CONTACT page and send an email to the State you currently live in.