
Guy completes epic 208-day journey from America to Australia in a row boat

Think you’ve had a pretty tough year? Well, talk to his guy: John Beeden spent the last 208 days rowing across the Pacific Ocean.

Beeden rowed non-stop for more than 200 days starting in San Francisco in June and ending in Cairns. Beeden once rowed across the Atlantic but said this was his most challenging journey yet. Most days, Beeden would row for 15 hours straight, and bad weather delayed his journey for weeks.

According to the BBC, who also have a video on its website:

“To be the first person to achieve something on this scale is incredible really, and I haven’t processed it yet.”

His wife added:

“He’s an amazing guy, he’s different than a lot of other people – he’ll always fight to get the mile when he’s having a bad day… he’ll always be rowing.”

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