
Pats owner Robert Kraft takes a shot at Deflategate-causing Colts

You know how Robert Kraft loves those contrast-color shirts, where the collar of the shirt is, say, blue while the rest of the shirt is white? Well take the affection Kraft has for that, do a complete 180° and that’s where the New England Patriots owner stands on the Indianapolis Colts, his team’s longtime rival when Peyton Manning was there and a punching bag since he’s been gone (six straight wins). And, oh yeah, there was that whole Deflategate thing basically started by Indy after a 45-7 loss in the AFC championship.

During a halftime ceremony for retired players including New England linebacker Willie McGinest, one of those Pats players you liked even if you didn’t like the Pats, Kraft took a completely unprompted dig at Indy, which is always fun, especially in our current era in which no one ever says anything remotely interesting for fear of getting stoned by the PC police.



When recounting a game-saving tackle McGinest made in 2003 on a would-be game-winning score by Edgerrin James on fourth-and-goal from the one, Kraft said:

“There’s nothing more satisfying than saddling the Indianapolis Colts with a loss.”

So Kraft and Jim Irsay don’t exchange holiday cards?

I also liked Kraft’s use of the word saddling. In math, it means a low region of a curve between two high points and looks something like this:


So, basically, it’s a football-like outline with a point that’s exactly at the spot where you’d put a needle in to deflate it. Gold.

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