Recherche en biotechnologie

Biomarker-based diagnostics for Mental Health

À propos

Biomarker-based diagnostics for Mental Health ALCEDIAG is a personalized medicine company specializing in the development of biological signatures aimed to serve as the basis of diagnostics tools, with a primary focus on mental health. These biomarkers are based on the analysis of RNA editing, an epigenetic mechanism altering the nature and conformation of RNA. RNA editing may lead to the production of altered forms of proteins or modify the regulation of gene expression. RNA editing can be modified in the case of certain diseases, or as a consequence of a medical treatment. ALCEDIAG blood biomarkers already have been proven to be related to mental health conditions such as depression and suicidal tendencies. ALCEDIAG develops EDITDIAG, a blood test to diagnose mental disorders. EDITDIAG has already been clinically tested on hundreds of patients and for several pathologies including depression, suicidal tendencies and bipolar disorders, showing outstanding sensitivity and specificity. With its expertise and experience, ALCEDIAG has also developed a platform to discover new biomarkers based on RNA editing. The company uses this platform for the needs of its own tests and research and collaborates with other entities to discover biomarkers for other pathologies. ALCEDIAG commercializes EDITOX, a predictive test to assess neuropsychiatric adverse side effects. EDITOX assesses the risk of drugs inducing severe psychiatric side effects, ALCEDIAG is a subsidiary of ALCEN, an industrial group active in the domains of Medical & Healthcare, Defense & Security, Aeronautics & Space, Energy and large Scientific Instrumentation.

Recherche en biotechnologie
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Biotechnology, Life Sciences, psychiatry diagnostic, RNA Editing, Medical Research, Personalized Medicine, Neurosciences, Mental health, CNS, Medical diagnostics, IVD, AI, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Precision Psychiatry et Precision Medicine



Employés chez ALCEDIAG


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    3 120  abonnés

    📣 ALCEDIAG Awarded ISO 13485:2016 Certification for Quality Management System We are thrilled to announce that ALCEDIAG has successfully achieved ISO 13485:2016 certification from TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, a significant milestone that underscores our commitment to quality and excellence in the field of in vitro diagnostics. 👀 Certification Overview The ISO 13485:2016 standard is recognized globally as a benchmark for quality management systems in the medical device industry. It establishes stringent requirements for organizations involved in the design, development, production, and servicing of medical devices, ensuring they consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements. This certification not only validates our processes but also enhances our ability to deliver high-quality tests that meet the needs of healthcare professionals and patients alike. 🤝 ALCEDIAG's Commitment to Quality ALCEDIAG has a long-standing commitment to quality that precedes this certification. Our journey towards ISO certification began with the establishment of a robust quality management system that aligns with international standards. This system has been meticulously developed and refined to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to foster continuous improvement in our operations. The certification covers: ✳ Design, Development, and production of in vitro diagnostic reagents for genetic testing. ✳ Design, Development, production, installation, and servicing of in vitro diagnostic software for genetic testing. 🔭 Looking Ahead As we celebrate this achievement, we remain dedicated to enhancing our quality management practices and ensuring that our company continues to meet the highest standards of safety and efficacy. We are excited about the opportunities this certification will bring in strengthening our position in the market and expanding our reach in the field of RNA-Editing based IVD. We would like to extend our gratitude to the entire ALCEDIAG team for their hard work and dedication in achieving this certification. This accomplishment is a testament to our collective efforts and commitment to excellence in the medical device industry. #ISO #QualityAssurance #IVD

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ALCEDIAG, visuel

    3 120  abonnés

    The Paralympic Games embody the spirit of resilience and inclusivity, serving as a powerful reminder that disabilities, whether visible or invisible, deserve recognition and respect. 👁️🗨️ Invisible disabilities, such as mental health conditions, often go unnoticed especially when not diagnosed , leading to misunderstandings and stigma. We believe it is time to change that! Support networks play a crucial role in the lives of those with invisible disabilities. Encouraging open conversations about mental health can help dismantle stigma and foster an environment where individuals feel safe to share their experiences. Athletes have the support of their teams, coaches, peers and of course communities. But not everyone has that. Our message is clear: we must strive to make invisible disabilities visible. This involves challenging societal norms, advocating for mental health resources, and ensuring that workplaces and communities are accommodating and supportive. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not real. #MentalHealthMatter #InvisibleDisability #BreakTheStigma

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    It’s time to take a summer break. This year let's prioritize self-care and mind-body wellness. Just like the athletes competing in the Olympic Games in Paris, we too need to emphasize our wellbeing in order to be able to continue to work towards our commitment to improving life for millions of people. It’s important not just for our bodies, but for our mental health as well. Enjoy this summer to relax and reconnect with what matters to you. Wishing everyone a refreshing break! #SelfCare #MindBodyWellness #OlympicSpirit

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    3 120  abonnés

    A recent study published in Nature Magazine scientific reports explores the complex relationship between the acceptance of a bipolar disorder diagnosis and the recovery process. Through semi-structured interviews with 26 participants, the study identifies key themes related to living with the condition and their subjective experience of recovery. The participants emphasized that accepting their bipolar disorder diagnosis is crucial for their recovery. Many described a painful journey of denial and resistance, which often led to worsening symptoms and treatment non-adherence. Acceptance facilitates understanding of the condition, enabling individuals to engage more effectively with their treatment plans. The study offers some ideas on how to enable and empower patients to accept their diagnosis through education, support programs, holistic approaches and more. We believe this study further highlights the need for a complementary approach in the diagnostic process, one that can offer mental healthcare professionals a biological (blood biomarkers based) decision-making aid that patients may also find reassuring. A test such as myEDIT-B can offer both caregivers and patients the path to earlier accurate diagnosis and acceptance so that treatment may also be personalized. #PrecisionPsychiatry #BipolarDisorder #myEDITB

    A grounded theory on acceptance of diagnosis as a pathway to recovery in bipolar disorder - Scientific Reports

    A grounded theory on acceptance of diagnosis as a pathway to recovery in bipolar disorder - Scientific Reports

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ALCEDIAG, visuel

    3 120  abonnés

    We are thrilled to announce that Dan Staner has joined our team as the new Chief Business Officer (CBO) at ALCEDIAG. Dan brings with him a great expertise in the healthcare industry, including a extensive experience in mental health and a proven track record in launching innovations internationally.   This is a significant milestone for our company, marking our commitment to accelerating our growth and expanding EDIT-B’s reach across Europe and beyond.   Please join us in welcoming Dan into the Alcediag family. We look forward to work together to advance precision psychiatry and always deliver the best diagnostic solutions for patients, healthcare professionals and our partners.   #NewBeginnings #WelcomeOnBoard #Precisionpsychiatry

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    3 120  abonnés

    While people with bipolar disorder often possess remarkable traits such as creativity, empathy, and resilience, many fail to reach their full potential in their professional lives due to less-than-ideal aspects of job design, managerial practices and organizational culture. A recent article in Harvard Business Review raises the important issue of recognizing the challenges people with bipolar disorder face and proposes three strategies organizations can implement to optimize employment conditions. 1️⃣  Modifying job features, such as offering flexible work schedules, job rotation and clear communication, to create a more conducive work environment for All including employees with bipolar disorder. 2️⃣  Training managers to support employees with bipolar disorder by helping them understand the condition, develop empathy and compassion, and implement effective communication strategies. 3️⃣  Promoting a culture of performance and compassion by encouraging open dialogue, providing resources and support, and recognizing and rewarding the performance of employees with bipolar disorder. this will also help fight stigma. We are pleased to see that the quality of life of people affected by mental health conditions is taking center stage and hope many organizations will implement these strategies. Thank you Constance Noonan Hadley, Hooria Jazaieri, and Hillary Anger Elfenbein for shining a light on this. #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth #EmployeeAdvocacy

    3 Ways to Support Employees with Bipolar Disorder

    3 Ways to Support Employees with Bipolar Disorder

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    3 120  abonnés

    Retour sur l'Afterwork 2024 organisé hier par l’Université de Montpellier  🚀 L’équipe d’ALCEDIAG a eu le plaisir de participer à cet événement sur le thème de la stratégie d'innovation de l’écosystème montpellierain, où Alexandra Prieux est intervenue pour clôturer la soirée. 🎤 Lors de son intervention, Alexandra a souligné l'importance des collaborations publiques-privées 🤝. Elle a mis en lumière les femmes et les hommes aux compétences transverses et complémentaires qui permettent à ces collaborations de se nouer et de se développer. Alexandra a aussi mis en avant la nécessaire symbiose entre la recherche et l'industrie dont le travail commun est essentiel pour transformer la recherche en produits ou services qui améliorent la vie des gens, des patients. Félicitations aux lauréats des 6 prix de l'innovation 2024👏 Alcediag vous souhaite une excellente continuation dans vos projets d'innovation et d'entrepreneuriat ! Merci à University of Montpellier et à ses partenaires pour ce bel évènement rassembleur! #Innovation #Collaboration #Montpellier #Medvallee #Occitanie

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    Bipolar UK highlights some important and worrying data about the diagnostic delay of Bipolar Disorder. In a recent talk they gave at the The Royal College of Psychiatrists they have shown that the average time to diagnosis of BD in the UK is 9.5 years, with Bipolar II taking even longer to diagnose than Bipolar I (an average of 11 and 8 years respectively). The clear difference in symptom reporting between genders does not affect this delay. This data echoes the results of a survey conducted last year in France by Bipolarité France that shows a similar delay in France and further highlight the importance of a validated tool to diagnose bipolarity earlier. Our innovative test, myEDIT-B, is the 1st CE marked and clinically validated biological test in mental health, to help make an early differential diagnosis of unipolar depression and bipolar disorder. h/t Simon Kitchen #mentalhealth #ivd #bipolardisorder #precisionpsychiatry

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Bipolar UK, visuel

    2 230  abonnés

    It was an honour to speak at The Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress 2024 in Edinburgh yesterday. We covered the delay to bipolar diagnosis and the urgent need for specialised care. Professor Allan Young stressed the importance of correct medication and Professor Daniel Smith discussed lifestyle approaches to preventing relapse. A huge thanks to all involved and to Dr Kathleen Merikangas and Professor Ian Jones for chairing the discussion.

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    Le #webinaire myEDIT-B organisé avec notre partenaire SYNLAB France approche à grands pas. Dinah Weissmann,  Directrice scientifique ALCEDIAG, présentera #myEDITB, le 1er test biologique en santé mentale pour aider à poser précocement un diagnostic différentiel de la dépression unipolaire et des #troublesbipolaires, avec Florian SCHERRER, Directeur médical chez SYNLAB. Rejoignez-les le 3 juillet prochain de 13h à 14h pour en savoir plus sur les fondements scientifiques du test, sa validation clinique et son usage en pratique clinique. La participation est gratuite. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour garantir votre place.

    Voir la page d’organisation pour SYNLAB France, visuel

    13 774  abonnés

    📣[WEBINAIRE] Test innovant myEDIT-B : fondamentaux scientifiques et mode d’emploi ? 📅 3 juillet de 13h00 à 14h00 Destiné aux médecins, psychiatres et généralistes Uniquement sur inscription : Depuis avril 2024, les psychiatres et médecins généralistes peuvent prescrire le test myEDIT-B, 1er test biologique en santé mentale, pour les aider à poser précocement un diagnostic différentiel de la dépression unipolaire et des troubles bipolaires. Avec un niveau de performance supérieur à 80%, validé cliniquement, le test sanguin myEDIT-B est une innovation majeure pour la #psychiatrie de #précision. Avec les docteurs Dinah Weissmann et Florian SCHERRER, l’Académie SYNLAB a le plaisir de vous présenter : - Les fondements scientifiques et les preuves cliniques publiées qui ont permis de valider le test myEDIT-B et d’obtenir son marquage CE IVD, après plus de 10 ans de recherches sur les biomarqueurs d’édition d’ARN dans le diagnostic des maladies mentales. - Les modalités d’usage du test : Indications, profil des patients, modalités de prescription, résultats du test. Cliquez pour vous inscrire : #diagnostic #psychiatrie #dépression #bipolarité #troublebipolaire #test

    • Invitation webinaire sur le test myEDIT-B, premier test d'aide au diagnostic de la dépression et des troubles bipolaires.présenté par dr Dinah Weissman, Co-fondatrice et directrice sientifique d'ALCEDIAG et Dr Florian Scherrer, Biologiste SYNLAB.
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    3 120  abonnés

    Donner de l'espoir aux personnes concernées par la bipolarité. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place un partenariat avec HopeStage et Clement Baissat 🎭 pour renforcer le dialogue avec les personnes concernées et leurs proches, et ainsi mieux comprendre leurs besoins. Nous avons eu l'honneur d'entendre Clément nous partager son histoire et les enjeux liés à la stigmatisation des maladies mentales. Nous avons aussi discuté #diagnostic du #troublebipolaire. Heureux de partager avec lui l'innovation et l'espoir qu'apporte #myEDIT-B. Ensemble, nous pouvons avoir un impact pour améliorer la vie.  

    Voir le profil de Clément Baissat 🎭, visuel

    Accompagner les personnes bipolaires

    Innover grâce à l’expérience vécue. Dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre HopeStage et ALCEDIAG, j’ai eu l’occasion de partager mon vécu en tant que personne concernée par la bipolarité. Lors de cette collaboration, j’ai rencontré l'équipe de Alcediag qui m’a présenté ses avancées en matière de diagnostic des maladies mentales, notamment leur test sanguin destiné à diagnostiquer la dépression et la bipolarité. Pendant deux jours d’échanges humains et enrichissants, j’ai mieux compris pourquoi et comment le diagnostic biologique est crucial pour lutter contre la stigmatisation. 💡 J’ai également pu partager ce que l’on ressent en tant que personne concernée par la bipolarité. Malheureusement, beaucoup de gens perçoivent encore la bipolarité comme une faiblesse mentale plutôt que comme une véritable maladie. Parce que de nombreuses personnes bipolaires n’osent pas en parler à leurs proches ou dans leur milieu professionnel, un test sanguin offre une approche plus rationnelle et simple pour libérer la parole. 🩸 Qu’en pensez-vous ? En quoi cela pourrait-il changer la perception et la stigmatisation pour vous ?

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