Dual power supply Box

Hi guys;

I did a small project a year ago. It simply a voltage splitter - div by 2 and to be use in a dual power supply circuit. Ex : op-amps

I base my circuit from this book : Transform Analysis And Electronic Networks With Applications by Joseph Kulathinal at page 293 in the Appendix A. I modify his circuit, simulated the circuit and build it.

Here how it work... Input a voltage in : ex: 10 V and the output voltage is +5 , -5 V with a commun - GND

Here the schematic and a picture of the "black" box.

looks very neat
what sort of current will it drive?

It possible it will work up to 1 A. I test for 250 mA. The TIP are tought.

I simulate the circuit using Circuit Wizard. Yes, it is possible, but both load has to be balance. If you use : 1 A plus side and 250 mA negative side, a current will go toward the power transistor and a bigger voltage drop will occur at the 22 ohms resistor and a higher current through it. My box have a 22 ohms at 1/2 Watt. So if you plan for that imbalance, you need power resistor ( 2 to 3 W type ) and maybe replace the multi-turn trim pot for a bigger multi-turn type to set the balance.

Here a picture of the inside box.