《空巢》香港影展世界暨國際首映會報名表 "Alone" 2023 FILMART World & International Premiere



"Alone" is a featured film that portrays the struggles of an Alzheimer’s family. Professor Du, a well-known Taiwanese architect, planned to enjoy his retirement life with his wife along with three kids in North Taiwan. Things take its toll when Professor is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, while his wife suffers from depression. Tragic accident on Professor’s birthday when the family should have celebrated together, but it became the worst nightmare…

Ø電影官方預告鏈結 Official Trailerhttps://youtu.be/3FFywkbRuR8

🇭🇰香港影展世界暨國際首映 Filmart World & International Premiere

§地點:會展演講廳 (HKCEC) @ 演講廳 (1)
LocationHong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre @ Theatre (1)

§時間2023315 下午2點至4點 
Time slot: 15th March 2023 2:00PM-4:00PM
*請準時入場,逾時不候 Please be ON TIME

§座位:自由入座 Free seated (First come first served basis)

§行程 Agenda
  • 1:45PM 來賓入座及開場 Guest Entry & Welcoming Remarks
  • 2:00PM 放映開始 Screening: Alone 
  • 3:35PM 映後問答及影評 Q&A session / Audience Commentary
  • 3:50PM 全體合照/結束 Group Photo / Screening Ends

🇹🇼2023/4/21 👉全台搶先撼動上映 Premier in Taiwan (R.O.C)

🇲🇾2023/6/7 👉全馬父親感動上映 Premier in Malaysia

  • 出品人:拿督 葉霆劭 Dato' Sam
  • 導演/監製/編劇:拿汀 周學立 Datin' Yoko
  • 主演:黃仲崑Micheal、林秀玲Sherrin
  • 聯合演出:戴祖雄Hero、葉周權Bruce 、蔡詩羽 Dreamya
  • 友情演出:唐從聖
  • 聯合監製:姚新基、黃朝亮
  • 顧問:拿督 陳坤煌、張錦貴教授
  • 市場總監:吳易霖
  • 出品/製作:好享廣播電視電影集團
  • 聯合出品:文化內容策進院
  • 聯合製作/出品:好享國際文創股份有限公司、Enjoy TV 新媒體電視平台
  • 發行:星泰娛樂/秀泰影城、Enjoy TV Holding Sdn Bhd
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