Volunteer Form
Are you looking for ways to make a real difference in this world?
Do you dream of working towards peace and justice, prosperity and dignity for all?

The GRF offers you a chance to realise this dream by being a part of the following broad-based programs and
1. Archival and Library
2. Academic
3. Research
4. Constructive work (including Community Development, Watershed Management, Rural
Health Care, Sanitation/Hygiene and Rural Entrepreneurship)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email Id *
Complete Name *
Date of birth *
Gender *
Address *
Country *
City/Town *
State/Province *
Zip/Postal Code *
Phone Number *
Academic Qualifications
Whatsapp Number
Emergency Contact (Name, Address, Relationship, and phone number) *
Indicate your first preference among the following programs *
Indicate your second preference among the following programs. *
Preferred starting date (Month, Year) *
Duration of stay *
Please explain briefly what motivated you to apply for the GRF Volunteer program. *
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