Ch 15. A splendid regiment of women: 20th century archaeologists and palaeontologists
The network diagram and the full sources list below are additional material for Chapter 15 of the women in STEM anthology, A Passion For Science: Tales of Discovery and Invention, available now for £1.99 from Amazon.
Network of early 20th Century women archaeologists
Figure 1: (Click to view full size.) A very incomplete network of early 20th Century pioneering women archaeologists. This network was constructed by Victoria Herridge from sources within the Breaking Ground project and the accompanying online biographies. Solid arrows show known connections, and the nature of the relationship & key collaborations. Dashed lines indicate inferred connections – for example, Garrod and Lamb were on the same course, at the same Cambridge college, in the same year and can be assumed to have known each other. Originally published on Figshare and re-used here under the CC-BY license.
Sources and further reading
Adams, A. (2010). Ladies of the Field: Early Women Archaeologists and Their Search for Adventure.
Bate, DMA. (1903). “Preliminary note on the discovery of a pigmy elephant in the Pleistocene of Cyprus.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 71: 498-500
Bate, DMA. (1907). “On elephant remains from Crete, with description of Elephas creticus, sp. n.” Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London Mar 5, 1907: 238-250.
Bate, DMA. (1909). “Preliminary note on a new artiodactyle from Majorca, Myotragus balearicus gen. et sp. nov.” Geological Magazine 5(6): 385-388.
Bate DMA. 1923 Notes on the vertebrate remains from the Ghar Dalam cave, Malta, found by Miss Caton-Thompson. In Excavations in Malta (ed. Murray M.), pp. 12-13. London, Bernard Quaritch.
Bate, DMA. (1937). Palaeontology: the Fossil Fauna of the Wady el-Mughara Caves. The Stone Age of Mount Carmel, i, part 2. DAE Garrod and DMA Bate. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
Bar Yosef, O and J Callander. 2006. Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod (1892-1968) in GM Cohen and M Sharp Joukowsky (ed.) Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists pp. 380-424. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Caton-Thompson, G. 1952. Kharga Oasis in Prehistory. University of London
Caton-Thompson, G. 1971. Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892-1968. Proceedings of the British Academy.
Caton-Thompson, G. 1971. The Zimbabwe culture: ruins and reactions. Library of African Studies
Volume 1 of African prehistory. Cass
Caton-Thompson, G, Wight Gardner, E. 1934. The Desert Fayum. Royal Anthropological Institute of Britain and Ireland.
Caton-Thompson, G, Ryckmans, G. 1944. The tombs and Moon temple of Hureidha (Hadhramaut).
Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Volume 13
Cohen, GM and MS Joukowski (2006). Breaking ground: pioneering women archaeologists, University of Michigan Press.
Daniel, G. 1969. Editorial. Antiquity 43 (169):1-7
Davies, M. 2008. Dame Kathleen Kenyon: Digging up the Holy Land. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Garrod, DAE. (1926) The Upper Paleolithic Age in Britain. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Garrod, DAE. (1931) Excavations in the Caves of the Wady-ed-Mughara, 1929-1930. Bulletin of the American School of Prehistoric Research 7: 5-11.
Garrod, DAE. (1934) A New Mesolithic Industry: The Natufian of Palestine. Proceedings of the International Congress for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences 107-108.
Garrod, DAE. (1937, 1939) The Stone Age of Mount Carmel. Joint Expedition of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and the American School of Prehistoric Research (1929-1934). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Garrod, DAE. (1943) Excavations at the Cave of Shukbah, Palestine, 1928. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 8:1-20.
Garrod, DAE. (1965). Primitive Man in in Egypt, Western Asia, and Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ginelli, M, Fass, G and Turtle, B. (1996). Six degrees of Kevin Bacon (New York, Plume).
Herridge, VL and Lister, AM. (2012). “Extreme insular dwarfism evolved in a mammoth.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 279: 3193-3200.
Herridge, VL. (2013). A very incomplete network of early 20th Century pioneering women archaeologists.
figshare Retrieved 11:10, Jul 11, 2013 (GMT)
Irwin-Williams, C. 1990. Women in the Field. The Role of Women in Archaeology before 1960. In Women of Science; Righting the Record. G. Kass-Simon and Patricia Farnes (Eds.) Indiana University Press: 1-41
Kelly, RL, and Hurst Thomas, D. (2009). Archaeology (5th Ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Kenyon, KM. 1949. Guide to Wroxeter Roman City, London, HM Stationary Office
Kenyon, KM. 1952. Beginning in Archaeology. London: Praeger
Kenyon, KM. 1957. Digging Up Jericho, London.
Kenyon, KM. 1974. Digging up Jerusalem. London: Benn
Kenyon, KM., Crowfoot, J.W. & Sukenik, E.L. 1942. The Buildings at Samaria, Samaria-Sebaste I, London, 1942
Price, KM. 2009. One Vision, One Faith, One Woman: Dorothy Garrod and the Crystallization of Prehistory. Lithics 30: 135-155
Shindler, K. (2005). Discovering Dorothea. London, Harper Collins.
Smith, PJ. 2009. A Splendid Idiosyncrasy: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50. BAR British Series 485. Oxford: Oxbow.
Buried Treasure: The Walls of Jericho (1956). BBC documentary about Kathleen Kenyon’s excavations at Jericho. Viewable online at
Find out about more women in STEM in A Passion For Science: Tales of Discovery and Invention and More Passion for Science: Journeys into the Unknown, both ebooks just £1.99 on Amazon.